All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an Athenz Access Token
A AthenzIdentityProvider / ServiceIdentityProvider component that provides the tenant identity.
A HostnameVerifier that validates Athenz x509 certificates using the identity in the Common Name attribute.
Athenz resource name
Utility methods for Athenz issued x509 certificates
The various types of access control results.
Generates a Pkcs10Csr for an instance.
Default implementation of IdentityDocumentClient
The default implementation of Zpe.
Default implementation of ZtsClient
Utility class for mapping objects model types and their Jackson binding versions.
The identity of a service
Generates a Pkcs10Csr instance for use with ZtsClient.getServiceIdentity(AthenzIdentity, String, Pkcs10Csr)
A client that communicates that fetches an identity document.
Generates and validates the signature for a SignedIdentityDocument
Identity response entity
Represents the types of identities that the configserver can provide.
The identity of an instance of a launched service.
Used for deserializing response from ZTS
Used for serializing request to ZTS
Represents an Athenz NToken (principal token)
Generates a Pkcs10Csr instance for use with ZtsClient.getRoleCertificate(AthenzRole, Pkcs10Csr).
A interface for types that provides the Athenz service identity (SIA) from the environment.
A SSLSocketFactory that creates sockets through the SSLContext provided by ServiceIdentityProvider.
A ServiceIdentityProvider that provides the credentials stored on file system.
This class represents the root node of sia-provider Copyright Yahoo.
This class represents sia-provider.trustStoreType
Misc utility methods for SIA provided credentials
A signed identity document
Represents the unique instance id as used in Vespa's integration with Athenz Copper Argos
An exception that can be thrown by ZmsClient implementations.
Interface for interacting with ZPE (Authorization Policy Engine)
Represents an Athenz ZToken (role token)
Interface for a ZTS client.
An exception that can be thrown by ZtsClient implementations.