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addCluster(Cluster) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
Add a Vespa installation for feeding documents into.
addDynamicHeader(String, ConnectionParams.HeaderProvider) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Adds a header provider for dynamic headers; headers where the value may change during a feeding session (e.g.
addEndpoint(Endpoint) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Cluster.Builder
Adds an Endpoint (a HTTP gateway) to this Cluster.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Set custom headers to be used


build() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Cluster.Builder
build() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
build() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
Instantiates a FeedParams.
build() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
Instantiates a SessionParams that can be given to a SessionFactory.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Cluster.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder


close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClient
Waits for all results to arrive and closes the FeedClient.
close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Session
Closes this Session.
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SyncFeedClient
Cluster - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
A set of Endpoint instances.
Cluster.Builder - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Builder for Cluster.
com.yahoo.vespa.http.client - package com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
Programmatic API for feeding to Vespa clusters independently of the cluster configuration.
com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config - package com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Settings for creating clients/sessions.
CONDITION_NOT_MET - com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.ResultType
ConnectionParams - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Parameters given to a SessionFactory when creating Sessions.
ConnectionParams.Builder - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Builder for ConnectionParams.
ConnectionParams.HeaderProvider - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
A header provider that provides a header value.
create(Endpoint) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SessionFactory
Creates a Session to a single Endpoint, with default values for everything.
create(SessionParams) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SessionFactory
Creates a Session with the given parameters.
create(SessionParams, FeedClient.ResultCallback) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClientFactory
Creates a FeedClient.
create(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Endpoint
Creates an Endpoint with the default port and without using SSL.
create(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Endpoint
Creates an Endpoint with the given hostname, port and SSL setting.


Detail(Endpoint) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.Detail
Detail(Endpoint, Result.ResultType, String, Exception) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.Detail


Endpoint - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Represents an endpoint, in most cases a JDisc container in a Vespa cluster configured with document-api.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Endpoint
exception() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SyncFeedClient.SyncResult
Returns the last exception received when attempting the operations this is the result of, or null if none.


FATAL_ERROR - com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.ResultType
FeedClient - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
API for feeding document operations (add, removes or updates) to one or many Vespa clusters.
FeedClient.ResultCallback - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
This callback is executed when new results are arriving or an error occur.
FeedClientFactory - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
Factory for creating FeedClient.
FeedClientFactory() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClientFactory
FeedConnectException - Exception in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
An exception thrown when the client is unable to connect to a feed endpoint.
FeedConnectException(Throwable, Endpoint) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedConnectException
FeedEndpointException - Exception in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
An exception type for endpoint specific errors.
FeedEndpointException(String, Throwable, Endpoint) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedEndpointException
feedJson(InputStream, FeedClient, AtomicInteger) - Static method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClient
Utility function that takes an array of JSON documents and calls the FeedClient for each element.
FeedParams - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Parameters given to a SessionFactory when creating Sessions.
FeedParams.Builder - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Mutable class used to instantiate a FeedParams.
FeedParams.DataFormat - Enum in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Enumeration of data formats that are acceptable by the OutputStream returned by Session.stream(CharSequence).
FeedProtocolException - Exception in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
An exception thrown when a feed endpoint returns an error during feeding.
FeedProtocolException(int, String, Throwable, Endpoint) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedProtocolException
feedXml(InputStream, FeedClient, AtomicInteger) - Static method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClient
Utility function that takes an array of XML documents and calls the FeedClient for each element.


getClientQueueSize() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
getClientQueueSize() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams
getClientTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
getClientTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getClusters() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams
getConnectionParams() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
getConnectionParams() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams
getContext() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result
Returns the context of the object if any
getDataFormat() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
getDataFormat() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getDenyIfBusyV3() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getDetails() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result
getDocumentDataAsCharSequence() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result
Returns the document data
getDocumentId() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result
Returns the document id that this result is for
getDynamicHeaders() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getEndpoint() - Method in exception com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedEndpointException
getEndpoint() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.Detail
Returns the endpoint from which the result was received.
getEndpoints() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Cluster
getErrorReport() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams
getException() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.Detail
Returns any exception related to this Detail, if unsuccessful.
getFeedParams() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
getFeedParams() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams
getHeaders() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getHeaderValue() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.HeaderProvider
getHostname() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Endpoint
getHostnameVerifier() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
getHostnameVerifier() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getHttpResponseMessage() - Method in exception com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedProtocolException
getHttpStatusCode() - Method in exception com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedProtocolException
getLocalQueueTimeOut() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getMaxChunkSizeBytes() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
getMaxChunkSizeBytes() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getmaxInFlightRequests() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
getMaxInFlightRequests() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getMaxRetries() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
getMaxRetries() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getMaxSleepTimeMs() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getMinTimeBetweenRetriesMs() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
getMinTimeBetweenRetriesMs() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getNumPersistentConnectionsPerEndpoint() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
getNumPersistentConnectionsPerEndpoint() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getOperationId() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result
Returns the id of the operation this is the result of
getPort() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Endpoint
getPrintTraceToStdErr() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
getPrintTraceToStdErr() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getPriority() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getProxyHost() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
getProxyHost() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getProxyPort() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
getProxyPort() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getResultType() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.Detail
Returns the result of the operation.
getRoute() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Cluster.Builder
getRoute() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Cluster
getRoute() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
getRoute() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getServerTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
getServerTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getSilentUpgrade() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
getSslContext() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
getSslContext() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getStatsAsJson() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClient
Returns stats about the cluster.
getStatsAsJson() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Session
Returns stats about the cluster.
getThrottlerMinSize() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
getThrottlerMinSize() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams
getTraceEveryXOperation() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
getTraceEveryXOperation() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getTraceLevel() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
getTraceLevel() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
getTraceMessage() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.Detail
Returns trace message if any from gateway.
getUseCompression() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams


hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Endpoint
hasLocalTrace() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result
Checks if operation has been set up with local tracing.


isDryRun() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
isDryRun() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams
isSuccess() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.Detail
Check if operation was successful.
isSuccess() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result
Returns true if the operation(s) was successful.
isSuccess() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SyncFeedClient.SyncResult
Returns true if all Results in this are successful
isUseSsl() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Endpoint


JSON_UTF8 - com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.DataFormat


newSamplingPeriod(Instant) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SimpleLoggerResultCallback


onCompletion(String, Result) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClient.ResultCallback
onCompletion(String, Result) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SimpleLoggerResultCallback
onEndpointException(FeedEndpointException) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClient.ResultCallback
Called with an exception whenever an endpoint specific error occurs during feeding.
onSessionError(Endpoint, String, String) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.ErrorReporter
OPERATION_EXECUTED - com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.ResultType


println(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SimpleLoggerResultCallback
printProgress() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SimpleLoggerResultCallback
Prints how many documents that are received, failed and sent.


Result - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
The result of a stream operation.
Result(Document, Collection<Result.Detail>, StringBuilder) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result
Result.Detail - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
Information in a Result for a single operation sent to a single endpoint.
Result.ResultType - Enum in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
results() - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Session
Returns Results for all operations enqueued by Session.stream(CharSequence).
results() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SyncFeedClient.SyncResult
Returns the results of this.


Session - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
A Session is an entity used to feed operations (like documents, removes or updates) to one Vespa cluster or several clusters in parallel.
SessionFactory - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
Factory for creating Session instances.
SessionFactory() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SessionFactory
SessionParams - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Parameters given to a SessionFactory when creating Sessions.
SessionParams.Builder - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Mutable class used to instantiate a SessionParams.
SessionParams.ErrorReporter - Interface in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config
Interface for handling serious errors with connection.
setClientQueueSize(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
Sets the maximum number of document operations to hold in memory, waiting to be sent to Vespa.
setClientTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
Sets the client-side timeout for each operation. If BOTH the server-side timeout AND this timeout has passed, Session will synthesize a Result.
setConnectionParams(ConnectionParams) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
Transport parameters, like custom HTTP headers.
setDataFormat(FeedParams.DataFormat) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
Sets the data format to be used.
setDenyIfBusyV3(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
If this is set to false, the gateway will block threads until messagebus can send the message.
setDryRun(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Don't send data to gateway, just pretend that everything is fine.
setErrorReporter(SessionParams.ErrorReporter) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
Sets an error reporter that is invoked in case of serious errors.
setFeedParams(FeedParams) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
Set parameters used for feeding the documents in the receiving cluster.
setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Sets the HostnameVerifier for the connection to the gateway when SSL is enabled for Endpoint.
setLocalQueueTimeOut(long) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
setMaxChunkSizeBytes(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
Sets the maximum number of bytes of document data to send per HTTP request.
setMaxInFlightRequests(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
Sets the maximum number of operations to be in-flight.
setMaxRetries(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Set how many times to retry sending an operation to a gateway when encountering transient problems.
setMaxSleepTimeMs(long) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
When throttling the load due to transient errors on gateway, what is the most time to wait between requests per thread.
setMinTimeBetweenRetries(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Set the min time between retries when temporarily failing against a gateway.
setNumPersistentConnectionsPerEndpoint(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
The number of connections between the http client and the gateways.
setPrintTraceToStdErr(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
If enabled will write internal trace to stderr.
setPriority(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
Sets the messagebus priority.
setProxyHost(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Sets the HTTP proxy host name to use.
setProxyPort(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Sets the HTTP proxy host port to use.
setRoute(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Cluster.Builder
Sets a route specific to this cluster, which overrides the route set in FeedParams.getRoute().
setRoute(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
Sets a route to be used for all Clusters, unless overridden on a per-cluster basis in Cluster.getRoute().
setServerTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
Sets the server-side timeout of each operation - i.e.
setSslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Sets the SSLContext for the connection to the gateway when SSL is enabled for Endpoint.
setThrottlerMinSize(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.SessionParams.Builder
Sets the minimum queue size of the throttler.
setTraceEveryXOperation(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
How often to trace messages in client.
setTraceLevel(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Sets the trace level for tracing messagebus.
setUseCompression(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.ConnectionParams.Builder
Set whether compression of document operations during communication to server should be enabled.
SimpleLoggerResultCallback - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
Simple implementation of the ResultCallback that logs to std err for every X documents: "Result received: 34 (1 failed so far, 2003 sent, success rate 1999.23 docs/sec)." On each failure it will print the Result object content.
SimpleLoggerResultCallback(AtomicInteger, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SimpleLoggerResultCallback
stream(CharSequence) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Session
Returns an OutputStream that can be used to write ONE operation, identified by the given document ID.
stream(String, CharSequence) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClient
Streams a document to cluster(s).
stream(String, CharSequence, Object) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClient
Streams a document to cluster(s).
stream(String, String, CharSequence, Object) - Method in interface com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.FeedClient
Streams a document to cluster(s).
stream(List<SyncFeedClient.SyncOperation>) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SyncFeedClient
Calls FeedClient.stream for each entry in the list, blocks until all results are ready and returns them.
SyncFeedClient - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
A utility wrapper of a FeedClient which feeds a list of documents and blocks until all responses are returned, before returning the results.
SyncFeedClient(SessionParams) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SyncFeedClient
SyncFeedClient.SyncOperation - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
Holds the arguments to a single stream operation
SyncFeedClient.SyncResult - Class in com.yahoo.vespa.http.client
The result of a SyncFeedClient.stream call.
SyncOperation(String, CharSequence) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SyncFeedClient.SyncOperation
SyncOperation(String, CharSequence, Object) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.SyncFeedClient.SyncOperation


toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Cluster
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.Endpoint
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.Detail
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result
toUriParameters() - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams
TRANSITIVE_ERROR - com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.ResultType


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.DataFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.ResultType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.DataFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.Result.ResultType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withSilentUpgrade(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.Builder
Make server not throw 4xx/5xx for situations that are normal during upgrade as this can esily mask other problems.


XML_UTF8 - com.yahoo.vespa.http.client.config.FeedParams.DataFormat
UTF-8-encoded XML.
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