Class ParameterParser


public class ParameterParser extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ParameterParser

      public ParameterParser()
  • Method Details

    • asMilliSeconds

      public static Long asMilliSeconds(Object value, Long defaultValue)
      Tries to return the given object as a Long. If it is a Number, treat it as a number of seconds, i.e. get a Long representation and multiply by 1000. If it has a String representation, try to parse this as a floating point number, followed by by an optional unit (seconds and an SI prefix, a couple of valid examples are "s" and "ms". Only a very small subset of SI prefixes are supported). If no unit is given, seconds are assumed.
      value - some representation of a number of seconds
      defaultValue - returned if value is null
      value as a number of milliseconds
      NumberFormatException - if value is not a Number instance and its String representation cannot be parsed as a number followed optionally by time unit