All Classes and Interfaces

A list of content clusters, either obtained from a list, a given config or by self-subscribing
Base class for unpacking document operation streams and pushing to feed access points.
This class represents the root node of feeder Copyright Yahoo.
A wrapper for feeder options, from config or HTTP parameters.
Simple wrapper of a stream and some properties.
Unpack JSON document operations and push to a feed access point.
Utility class for assigning properties to messages, either from implicit config values or from explicit values in requests.
Wrapper class to send Messages.
Wraps the creation of messagebus source sessions to allow for unit testing of the components without involving messagebus itself.
This class allows multiple clients to use one shared messagebus session.
Simplifies sending messages belonging to a single result callback.
Feed documents from a
Wrapper class for SimpleFeedAccess to send various XML operations.
Unpack a stream of document operations represented as XML and push to a feed access point.