Class CommandLineParser

  • public class CommandLineParser
    extends Object
    Simple command line parser, handling multiple arguments and multiple unary and binary switches starting with -. Terms used: progname -binaryswitch foo -unaryswitch argument1 argument2
    • Constructor Detail

      • CommandLineParser

        public CommandLineParser​(String[] cmds)
      • CommandLineParser

        public CommandLineParser​(String progname,
                                 String[] cmds)
    • Method Detail

      • addLegalUnarySwitch

        public void addLegalUnarySwitch​(String s,
                                        String explanation)
        Add a legal unary switch such as "-d"
      • addLegalUnarySwitch

        public void addLegalUnarySwitch​(String s)
      • addRequiredUnarySwitch

        public void addRequiredUnarySwitch​(String s,
                                           String explanation)
        Adds a required switch, such as -p
      • addLegalBinarySwitch

        public void addLegalBinarySwitch​(String s,
                                         String explanation)
        Add a legal binary switch such as "-f /foo/bar"
      • addLegalBinarySwitch

        public void addLegalBinarySwitch​(String s)
        Adds a legal binary switch without explanation
      • addRequiredBinarySwitch

        public void addRequiredBinarySwitch​(String s,
                                            String explanation)
        Adds a required binary switch
      • getUnarySwitches

        public List<String> getUnarySwitches()
        The unary switches that were given on the command line
      • getBinarySwitches

        public Map<String,​String> getBinarySwitches()
        The binary switches that were given on the command line
      • getArguments

        public List<String> getArguments()
        All non-switch strings that were given on the command line
      • setArgumentExplanation

        public void setArgumentExplanation​(String argumentExplanation)
        Sets the argument explanation used in printing method, i.e. "names,..."
      • setExtendedHelpText

        public void setExtendedHelpText​(String text)
      • getHelpText

        public String getHelpText()
      • setMinArguments

        public void setMinArguments​(int minArguments)
        Sets minimum number of required arguments
      • setMaxArguments

        public void setMaxArguments​(int maxArguments)
        Sets the maximum number of allowed arguments
      • helpSwitchUsed

        public boolean helpSwitchUsed()