Class ClassValidator

  • public final class ClassValidator
    extends Object
    Static utility methods to validate class properties.

    Do note, this class will not be a reliable guarantee for correctness if you have a forest of methods only differing by return type (as contradistinguished from name and argument types), the current implementation is minimal.

    Steinar Knutsen
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClassValidator

        public ClassValidator()
    • Method Detail

      • unmaskedMethods

        public static List<Method> unmaskedMethods​(Class<?> testClass,
                                                   Class<?> maskedClass)
        Check all protected, public and package private declared methods of maskedClass is implemented in testClass. Note, this will by definition blow up on final methods in maskedClass.
        testClass - class which wraps or masks another class
        maskedClass - class which is masked or wrapped
        the methods which seem to miss from testClass to be complete
      • unmaskedMethodsFromSuperclass

        public static List<Method> unmaskedMethodsFromSuperclass​(Class<?> testClass)
        Check testClass overrides all protected, public and package private methods of its immediate super class. See unmaskedMethods().
        testClass - the class to check whether completely masks its super class
        the methods missing from testClass to completely override its immediate super class