Class Utf8


public final class Utf8 extends Object
Utility class with functions for handling UTF-8
arnej27959, Steinar Knutsen, baldersheim
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static int
    Count the number of bytes needed to represent a given sequence of 16-bit char values as a UTF-8 encoded array.
    static int
    byteCount(CharSequence str, int offset, int length)
    Count the number of bytes needed to represent a given sequence of 16-bit char values as a UTF-8 encoded array.
    static int[]
    Returns an integer array the length as the input string plus one.
    static int[]
    Returns an array of the same length as the input array plus one.
    static int
    codePointAsUtf8Length(int codepoint)
    Return the number of octets needed to encode a valid Unicode codepoint as UTF-8.
    static byte[]
    encode(int codepoint)
    Encode a valid Unicode codepoint as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes into a new allocated array.
    static int
    encode(int codepoint, byte[] destination, int offset)
    Encode a valid Unicode codepoint as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes into an array.
    static int
    encode(int codepoint, OutputStream destination)
    Encode a valid Unicode codepoint as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes into an OutputStream.
    static void
    encode(int codepoint, ByteBuffer destination)
    Encode a valid Unicode codepoint as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes into a ByteBuffer.
    static Charset
    Returns the Charset instance for UTF-8
    Create a new UTF-8 encoder.
    static byte[]
    toAsciiBytes(boolean v)
    static byte[]
    toAsciiBytes(long l)
    Encode a long as its decimal representation, i.e.
    static byte[]
    toBytes(String string)
    Encode a UTF-8 string.
    static byte[]
    toBytes(String str, int offset, int length)
    Utility method as toBytes(String).
    static int
    toBytes(String str, int srcOffset, int srcLen, byte[] dst, int dstOffset)
    Direct encoding of a String into an array.
    static void
    toBytes(String src, int srcOffset, int srcLen, ByteBuffer dst, CharsetEncoder encoder)
    Encode a string directly into a ByteBuffer instance.
    static byte[]
    Uses String.getBytes directly.
    static String
    toString(byte[] utf8)
    Decode a UTF-8 string.
    static String
    toString(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
    Utility method as toString(byte[]).
    static String
    Fetch a string from a ByteBuffer instance.
    static String
    toStringStd(byte[] data)
    To be used instead of String.String(byte[] bytes)
    static int
    totalBytes(byte firstByte)
    Inspects a byte assumed to be the first byte in a UTF8 to check how many bytes in total the sequence of bytes will use.
    static int
    unitCount(byte firstByte)
    Calculate the number of Unicode code units ("UTF-16 characters") needed to represent a given UTF-8 encoded code point.
    static int
    unitCount(byte[] utf8)
    Count the number of Unicode code units ("UTF-16 characters") needed to represent a given array of UTF-8 characters.
    static int
    unitCount(byte[] utf8, int offset, int length)
    Count the number of Unicode code units ("UTF-16 characters") needed to represent a given array of UTF-8 characters.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Utf8

      public Utf8()
  • Method Details

    • getCharset

      public static Charset getCharset()
      Returns the Charset instance for UTF-8
    • toStringStd

      public static String toStringStd(byte[] data)
      To be used instead of String.String(byte[] bytes)
    • toString

      public static String toString(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
      Utility method as toString(byte[]).
      data - bytes to decode
      offset - index of first byte to decode
      length - number of bytes to decode
      String decoded from UTF-8
    • toString

      public static String toString(ByteBuffer data)
      Fetch a string from a ByteBuffer instance. ByteBuffer instances are stateful, so it is assumed to caller manipulates the instance's limit if the entire buffer is not a string.
      data - The UTF-8 data source
      a decoded String
    • toBytesStd

      public static byte[] toBytesStd(String str)
      Uses String.getBytes directly.
    • toAsciiBytes

      public static byte[] toAsciiBytes(long l)
      Encode a long as its decimal representation, i.e. toAsciiBytes(15L) will return "15" encoded as UTF-8. In other words it is an optimized version of String.valueOf() followed by UTF-8 encoding. Avoid going through string in order to get a simple UTF-8 sequence.
      l - value to represent as a decimal number encded as utf8
      byte array
    • toAsciiBytes

      public static byte[] toAsciiBytes(boolean v)
    • toBytes

      public static byte[] toBytes(String string)
      Encode a UTF-8 string.
      string - The string to encode.
      Utf8 encoded array
    • toString

      public static String toString(byte[] utf8)
      Decode a UTF-8 string.
      utf8 - The bytes to decode.
      Utf8 encoded array
    • toBytes

      public static byte[] toBytes(String str, int offset, int length)
      Utility method as toBytes(String).
      str - String to encode
      offset - index of first character to encode
      length - number of characters to encode
      substring encoded as UTF-8
    • toBytes

      public static int toBytes(String str, int srcOffset, int srcLen, byte[] dst, int dstOffset)
      Direct encoding of a String into an array.
      str - string to encode
      srcOffset - index of first character in string to encode
      srcLen - number of characters in string to encode
      dst - destination for encoded data
      dstOffset - index of first position to write data
      the number of bytes written to the array.
    • toBytes

      public static void toBytes(String src, int srcOffset, int srcLen, ByteBuffer dst, CharsetEncoder encoder)
      Encode a string directly into a ByteBuffer instance.

      This method is somewhat more cumbersome than the rest of the helper methods in this library, as it is intended for use cases in the following style, if extraneous copying is highly undesirable:

       String[] a = {"abc", "def", "ghiè"};
       int[] aLens = {3, 3, 5};
       CharsetEncoder ce = Utf8.getNewEncoder();
       ByteBuffer forWire = ByteBuffer.allocate(someNumber);
       for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
           Utf8.toBytes(a[i], 0, a[i].length(), forWire, ce);
      src - the string to encode
      srcOffset - index of first character to encode
      srcLen - number of characters to encode
      dst - the destination ByteBuffer
      encoder - the character encoder to use
      See Also:
    • getNewEncoder

      public static CharsetEncoder getNewEncoder()
      Create a new UTF-8 encoder.
      See Also:
    • byteCount

      public static int byteCount(CharSequence str)
      Count the number of bytes needed to represent a given sequence of 16-bit char values as a UTF-8 encoded array. This method is written to be cheap to invoke. Note: It is strongly assumed to character sequence is valid.
    • byteCount

      public static int byteCount(CharSequence str, int offset, int length)
      Count the number of bytes needed to represent a given sequence of 16-bit char values as a UTF-8 encoded array. This method is written to be cheap to invoke. Note: It is strongly assumed to character sequence is valid.
    • unitCount

      public static int unitCount(byte[] utf8)
      Count the number of Unicode code units ("UTF-16 characters") needed to represent a given array of UTF-8 characters. This method is written to be cheap to invoke. Note: It is strongly assumed the sequence is valid.
    • unitCount

      public static int unitCount(byte[] utf8, int offset, int length)
      Count the number of Unicode code units ("UTF-16 characters") needed to represent a given array of UTF-8 characters. This method is written to be cheap to invoke. Note: It is strongly assumed the sequence is valid.
      utf8 - raw data
      offset - index of first byte of UTF-8 sequence to check
      length - number of bytes in the UTF-8 sequence to check
    • unitCount

      public static int unitCount(byte firstByte)
      Calculate the number of Unicode code units ("UTF-16 characters") needed to represent a given UTF-8 encoded code point.
      firstByte - the first byte of a character encoded as UTF-8
      the number of UTF-16 code units needed to represent the given code point
    • totalBytes

      public static int totalBytes(byte firstByte)
      Inspects a byte assumed to be the first byte in a UTF8 to check how many bytes in total the sequence of bytes will use.
      firstByte - the first byte of a UTF8 encoded character
      the number of bytes used to encode the character
    • calculateBytePositions

      public static int[] calculateBytePositions(CharSequence value)
      Returns an integer array the length as the input string plus one. For every index in the array, the corresponding value gives the index into the UTF-8 byte sequence that can be created from the input.
      value - a String to generate UTF-8 byte indexes from
      an array containing corresponding UTF-8 byte indexes
    • calculateStringPositions

      public static int[] calculateStringPositions(byte[] utf8)
      Returns an array of the same length as the input array plus one. For every index in the array, the corresponding value gives the index into the Java string (UTF-16 sequence) that can be created from the input.
      utf8 - a byte array containing a string encoded as UTF-8. Note: It is strongly assumed that this sequence is correct.
      an array containing corresponding UTF-16 character indexes. If input array is empty, returns an array containg a single zero.
    • encode

      public static byte[] encode(int codepoint)
      Encode a valid Unicode codepoint as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes into a new allocated array.
      codepoint - Unicode codepoint to encode
      number of bytes written
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if there is insufficient room for the encoded data in the given array
    • encode

      public static int encode(int codepoint, byte[] destination, int offset)
      Encode a valid Unicode codepoint as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes into an array.
      codepoint - Unicode codepoint to encode
      destination - array to write into
      offset - index of first byte written
      index of the first byte after the last byte written (i.e. offset plus number of bytes written)
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if there is insufficient room for the encoded data in the given array
    • encode

      public static void encode(int codepoint, ByteBuffer destination)
      Encode a valid Unicode codepoint as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes into a ByteBuffer.
      codepoint - Unicode codepoint to encode
      destination - buffer to write into
      BufferOverflowException - if the buffer's limit is met while writing (propagated from the ByteBuffer)
      ReadOnlyBufferException - if the buffer is read only (propagated from the ByteBuffer)
    • encode

      public static int encode(int codepoint, OutputStream destination) throws IOException
      Encode a valid Unicode codepoint as a sequence of UTF-8 bytes into an OutputStream.
      codepoint - Unicode codepoint to encode
      destination - buffer to write into
      number of bytes written
      IOException - propagated from stream
    • codePointAsUtf8Length

      public static int codePointAsUtf8Length(int codepoint)
      Return the number of octets needed to encode a valid Unicode codepoint as UTF-8.
      codepoint - the Unicode codepoint to inspect
      the number of bytes needed for UTF-8 representation