Class TransactionChanges

  • public class TransactionChanges
    extends Object
    Records the set of changes which will happen as part of a transaction
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransactionChanges

        public TransactionChanges()
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public boolean create​(String path)
        Returns whether the changes include creating this absolute path
      • createsChildrenOf

        public boolean createsChildrenOf​(String parentPath)
        Returns whether the changes include creating any (proper) children of the given path
      • addCreate

        public void addCreate​(String path)
        Adds creation of an absolute path to the set of changes made by this
      • delete

        public boolean delete​(String path)
        Returns whether the changes include deleting this absolute path
      • addDelete

        public void addDelete​(String path)
        Adds deletion of an absolute path to the set of changes made by this