Package de.gurkenlabs.litiengine.sound

package de.gurkenlabs.litiengine.sound
  • Class
    A Track that plays an intro sound and then loops the specified music sound.
    A SoundPlayback implementation for the playback music.
    A SoundPlayback implementation for the playback of sound effects.
    A Track that plays a sound once and then stops.
    This class implements all required functionality to load sounds from the file system and provide a stream that can later on be used for the sound playback.
    This SoundEngine class provides all methods to play back sounds and music in your game.
    This implementation is used for all events that need to pass a Sound object to their listeners.
    The SoundPlayback class is a wrapper SourceDataLine on which a Sound playback can be carried out.
    This event listener implementation provides callbacks for when a SoundPlayback instance gets cancelled or finished.
    The Track class defines a sequence in which music Sounds should be played back by the engine.