
object LongSpace

Provides spaces in which coordinates are expressed using Long values. Note that the current implementation due to performance considerations requires that the coordinates are clipped to 62-bit range. That is, they should be >= -0x2000000000000000L and < 0x2000000000000000L

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object TwoDim extends TwoDim

Value members

Concrete methods

def binSplit(a: Long, b: Long): Long

A helper method which efficiently calculates the unique integer in an interval [a, b] which has the maximum number of trailing zeros in its binary representation (a and b are integers > 0). This is used by the HyperCube implementations to find the greatest interesting square for two given children.

A helper method which efficiently calculates the unique integer in an interval [a, b] which has the maximum number of trailing zeros in its binary representation (a and b are integers > 0). This is used by the HyperCube implementations to find the greatest interesting square for two given children.

Thanks to Rex Kerr and Daniel Sobral ( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6156502/integer-in-an-interval-with-maximized-number-of-trailing-zero-bits )