

package data

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait DeterministicSkipOctree[S <: Sys[S], D <: Space[D], A] extends SkipOctree[S, D, A]

  2. trait Iterator[-Tx, +A] extends AnyRef

    Important implementation note: Currently transactional iterators must be consumed within the same transaction that they were created in.

  3. trait Ordered[-Tx, -A] extends AnyRef

  4. trait Ordering[-Tx, A] extends AnyRef

  5. sealed trait SkipList[S <: Sys[S], A, E] extends Mutable[data.SkipList.S.ID, data.SkipList.S.Tx]

  6. trait SkipOctree[S <: Sys[S], D <: Space[D], A] extends Mutable[data.SkipOctree.S.ID, data.SkipOctree.S.Tx]

    A SkipOctree is a multi-dimensional data structure that maps coordinates to values.

  7. sealed trait TotalOrder[S <: Sys[S]] extends Mutable[data.TotalOrder.S.ID, data.TotalOrder.S.Tx]

Value Members

  1. object Ancestor

  2. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  3. object DeterministicSkipOctree

    A transactional deterministic skip octree as outlined in the paper by Eppstein et al.

  4. object HASkipList

    A transactional version of the deterministic k-(2k+1) top-down operated skip list as described in T.

  5. object Iterator

  6. object Ordering

  7. object SkipList

  8. object SkipOctree

  9. object TotalOrder

    A transactional data structure to maintain an ordered sequence of elements such that two random elements can be compared in O(1).
