

package stm

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. stm
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Cursor[S <: Sys[S]] extends AnyRef

  2. trait DataStore extends AnyRef

  3. trait DataStoreFactory[+Repr <: DataStore] extends AnyRef

  4. trait Disposable[-Tx] extends AnyRef

  5. trait Durable extends DurableLike[Durable]

  6. trait DurableLike[S <: DurableLike[S]] extends Sys[S] with Cursor[S]

  7. trait Identifiable[+ID] extends AnyRef

  8. trait Identifier[-Tx] extends Disposable[Tx] with Writable

  9. trait IdentifierMap[ID, -Tx, A] extends Mutable[ID, Tx]

    An identifier map is basically a transactional map whose keys are system identifiers.

  10. trait InMemory extends InMemoryLike[InMemory]

    A thin in-memory (non-durable) wrapper around Scala-STM.

  11. trait InMemoryLike[S <: InMemoryLike[S]] extends Sys[S] with Cursor[S]

  12. trait LocalVar[-Tx, A] extends Sink[Tx, A] with Source[Tx, A]

  13. trait Mutable[+ID, -Tx] extends Identifiable[ID] with Writable with Disposable[Tx]

  14. trait MutableSerializer[S <: Sys[S], M <: Mutable[stm.MutableSerializer.S.ID, stm.MutableSerializer.S.Tx]] extends Serializer[stm.MutableSerializer.S.Tx, stm.MutableSerializer.S.Acc, M]

  15. trait Sink[-Tx, -A] extends AnyRef

  16. trait Source[-Tx, +A] extends AnyRef

  17. trait Sys[S <: Sys[S]] extends AnyRef

    A system in LucreSTM describes a particular mode of representing values in time and of persisting values to disk.

  18. trait Txn[S <: Sys[S]] extends TxnLike

  19. sealed trait TxnLike extends AnyRef

  20. trait Var[-Tx, A] extends Sink[Tx, A] with Source[Tx, A] with Writable with Disposable[Tx]

Value Members

  1. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

  2. object Durable

  3. object DurableLike

  4. object IdentifierMap

  5. object InMemory

  6. object InMemoryLike

  7. object Mutable

  8. object Sink

  9. object Source

  10. val SpecGroup: Group[(Int.type, Long.type, Float.type, Double.type, Char.type, Boolean.type, Unit.type)]

    Specialization group consisting of all specializable types except Byte and Short.

    Specialization group consisting of all specializable types except Byte and Short.

    (AnyRef specialization seems currently disabled in Scala)

  11. package impl

  12. var showLog: Boolean

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
