

package event

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class CellEditingCancelled[A](source: CellEditor[A]) extends CellEditorEvent[A] with Product with Serializable

  2. final case class CellEditingStopped[A](source: CellEditor[A]) extends CellEditorEvent[A] with Product with Serializable

  3. sealed trait CellEditorEvent[+A] extends Event

  4. final case class TreeCollapsed[A](source: Tree[A], path: Path[A]) extends TreeExpansionEvent[A] with Product with Serializable

  5. sealed trait TreeEvent[A] extends ComponentEvent

    The common trait of all events dispatched by a de.sciss.swingtree.Tree.

  6. final case class TreeExpanded[A](source: Tree[A], path: Path[A]) extends TreeExpansionEvent[A] with Product with Serializable

  7. sealed trait TreeExpansionEvent[A] extends TreeEvent[A]

  8. sealed trait TreeModelEvent[A] extends TreeEvent[A]

  9. final case class TreeNodesChanged[A](source: Tree[A], path: Path[A], childIndices: List[Int], children: List[A]) extends TreeModelEvent[A] with Product with Serializable

  10. final case class TreeNodesInserted[A](source: Tree[A], path: Path[A], childIndices: List[Int], children: List[A]) extends TreeModelEvent[A] with Product with Serializable

  11. final case class TreeNodesRemoved[A](source: Tree[A], path: Path[A], childIndices: List[Int], children: List[A]) extends TreeModelEvent[A] with Product with Serializable

  12. final case class TreePathSelected[A](source: Tree[A], pathsAdded: List[Path[A]], pathsRemoved: List[Path[A]], newLeadSelectionPath: Option[Path[A]], oldLeadSelectionPath: Option[Path[A]]) extends TreeEvent[A] with SelectionEvent with Product with Serializable

    The event denoting a change in selected paths of a de.sciss.swingtree.Tree.

  13. final case class TreeStructureChanged[A](source: Tree[A], path: Path[A], childIndices: List[Int], children: List[A]) extends TreeModelEvent[A] with Product with Serializable

  14. final case class TreeWillCollapse[A](source: Tree[A], path: Path[A]) extends TreeExpansionEvent[A] with Product with Serializable

  15. final case class TreeWillExpand[A](source: Tree[A], path: Path[A]) extends TreeExpansionEvent[A] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object TreeNodeSelected
