

package ugen

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. ugen
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final case class Env(startLevel: GE, segments: Seq[Segment], releaseNode: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-99), loopNode: GE = synth.this.GE.const(-99)) extends EnvLike with Product with Serializable

  2. sealed trait EnvFactory[V] extends AnyRef

  3. sealed trait EnvLike extends GE

  4. final case class Flatten(elem: GE) extends GE.Lazy with Product with Serializable

  5. final case class IEnv(startLevel: GE, segments: Seq[Segment], offset: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0)) extends EnvLike with Product with Serializable

  6. final case class LinLin(in: GE, srcLo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), srcHi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0), dstLo: GE = synth.this.GE.const(0.0), dstHi: GE = synth.this.GE.const(1.0)) extends GE.Lazy with Product with Serializable

    A graph element which maps a linear range to another linear range.

  7. final case class Mix(elem: GE) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

    Mixes the channels of a signal together.

  8. final case class PhysicalIn(indices: GE, numChannels: Seq[Int]) extends GE.Lazy with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

    A graph element which reads from a connected sound driver input.

  9. final case class PhysicalOut(indices: GE, in: GE) extends ZeroOut with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

  10. final case class Reduce(elem: GE, op: Op) extends SingleOut with Product with Serializable

  11. final case class Silent(numChannels: Int) extends GE.Lazy with AudioRated with Product with Serializable

  12. final case class SplayAz(rate: Rate, numChannels: Int, in: GE, spread: GE, center: GE, level: GE, width: GE, orient: GE) extends GE.Lazy with Product with Serializable

  13. final case class WrapOut(in: GE, fadeTime: Option[Float] = scala.Some.apply[Float](0.02)) extends ZeroOut with WritesBus with Product with Serializable

    An element which writes an input signal to a bus, optionally applying a short fade-in.

  14. final case class Zip(elems: GE*) extends GE.Lazy with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Env extends EnvFactory[Env] with Serializable

  2. object IEnv extends EnvFactory[IEnv] with Serializable

  3. object Mix extends Serializable

  4. object PhysicalIn extends Serializable

    A graph element which reads from a connected sound driver input.

  5. object PhysicalOut extends Serializable

    A graph element which writes to a connected sound driver output.

  6. object Reduce extends Serializable

  7. object Silent extends Serializable

  8. object SplayAz extends Serializable

  9. object WrapOut extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
