

package synth

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait AddAction extends AnyRef

    Add-actions are used by the server to determine where to place a node with respect to other nodes.

  2. trait AudioRated extends AnyRef

    Utility trait that defines a rate method returning audio.

  3. trait ControlRated extends AnyRef

    Utility trait that defines a rate method returning control.

  4. trait DemandRated extends AnyRef

    Utility trait that defines a rate method returning demand.

  5. sealed trait DoneAction extends Product

    An enumeration of special codes used by some UGens to issue a related action when they they are "done".

  6. trait GE extends Product

    The main trait used in synthesis graph, a graph element, abbreviated as GE.

  7. trait HasDoneFlag extends AnyRef

    Marks a ugen which sets a special done flag that can be read by ugens such as Done.

  8. trait HasSideEffect extends AnyRef

    Marks a ugen which has side effects such as writing to a bus or buffer, communicating back to the client, etc.

  9. trait IsIndividual extends AnyRef

    Marks a ugen which is individual, that is two instances of that ugen are different even if all inputs are the same.

  10. trait Lazy extends Product

    Elements implementing the Lazy trait may participate in the building of a SynthGraph body.

  11. sealed abstract class MaybeRate extends Product

    This trait denotes an optional server calculation rate.

  12. sealed abstract class Rate extends MaybeRate with Ordered[Rate]

    The server calculation rate of a UGen or a UGen output.

  13. trait RawUGen extends AnyRef

    The raw UGen information as it is found in a final UGenGraph.

  14. trait ScalarRated extends AnyRef

    Utility trait that defines a rate method returning scalar.

  15. final case class SynthGraph(sources: IndexedSeq[Lazy], controlProxies: Set[ControlProxyLike]) extends Product with Serializable

  16. sealed trait UGen extends RawUGen with Product

    A UGen during graph building process is a more rich thing than RawUGen: it implements equality based on isIndividual status and may be omitted from the final graph based on hasSideEffect status.

  17. final case class UGenGraph(constants: IndexedSeq[Float], controlValues: IndexedSeq[Float], controlNames: IndexedSeq[(String, Int)], ugens: IndexedSeq[IndexedUGen]) extends Product with Serializable

  18. sealed trait UGenIn extends UGenInLike

    An element that can be used as an input to a UGen.

  19. sealed trait UGenInLike extends GE

    A super-trait that contains UGenIn and UGenInGroup.

  20. sealed trait UGenSource[U] extends Expander[U]

  21. final case class UGenSpec(name: String, attr: Set[Attribute], rates: Rates, args: IndexedSeq[Argument], inputs: IndexedSeq[Input], outputs: IndexedSeq[Output], doc: Option[Doc]) extends Product with Serializable

    Specification of a Unit Generator.

  22. trait UsesRandSeed extends IsIndividual

  23. trait WritesBuffer extends HasSideEffect with IsIndividual

  24. trait WritesBus extends HasSideEffect with IsIndividual

  25. trait WritesFFT extends HasSideEffect with IsIndividual

Value Members

  1. object DoneAction

  2. object GE

    The UGen graph is constructed from interconnecting graph elements (GE).

  3. object Lazy

  4. object MaybeRate

  5. object Rate

  6. object SynthGraph extends Serializable

  7. object UGen

  8. object UGenGraph extends Serializable

  9. object UGenInLike

  10. object UGenSource

  11. object UGenSpec extends Serializable

  12. object UndefinedRate extends MaybeRate with Product with Serializable

    An undefined rate signifies that a rate is either unknown or will be implicitly resolved.

  13. object addAfter extends AddAction with Product with Serializable

    An AddAction with id 3, indicating that a node should be added to the same group as the target node, right after it.

  14. object addBefore extends AddAction with Product with Serializable

    An AddAction with id 2, indicating that a node should be added to the same group as the target node, right before it.

  15. object addReplace extends AddAction with Product with Serializable

    An AddAction with id 4, indicating that a node should replace an existing node, that is take the target node's exact position in the tree.

  16. object addToHead extends AddAction with Product with Serializable

    An AddAction with id 0, indicating that a node should be add to the head of of a target group.

  17. object addToTail extends AddAction with Product with Serializable

    An AddAction with id 1, indicating that a node should be add to the tail of of a target group.

  18. object audio extends Rate with Product with Serializable

    Audio rated calculation (id 1) means that values are calculated at the audio sampling rate.

  19. object control extends Rate with Product with Serializable

    Control rated calculation (id 1) means that one value is calculated per block.

  20. object demand extends Rate with Product with Serializable

    Demand rated calculation (id 1) means that the UGen is queried by trigger through a special UGen such as Demand.

  21. object doNothing extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 0, signifying that nothing should be done in particular when the UGen is finished.

  22. object freeAllInGroup extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 13, freeing the enclosing synth along with all other nodes in the group when the UGen is finished (i.

  23. object freeGroup extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 14, freeing the enclosing group when the UGen is finished, and hence also frees this synth along with all other nodes in the group.

  24. object freeSelf extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 2, freeing the enclosing synth when the UGen is finished.

  25. object freeSelfPausePred extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 9, freeing the enclosing synth and pauses the predecessor node when the UGen is finished.

  26. object freeSelfPauseSucc extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 10, freeing the enclosing synth and pauses the successor node when the UGen is finished.

  27. object freeSelfPred extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 3, freeing the enclosing synth as well as the predecessor node when the UGen is finished.

  28. object freeSelfPredAll extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 5, freeing the enclosing synth when the UGen is finished.

  29. object freeSelfPredDeep extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 11, freeing the enclosing synth when the UGen is finished.

  30. object freeSelfSucc extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 4, freeing the enclosing synth as well as the successor node when the UGen is finished.

  31. object freeSelfSuccAll extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 6, freeing the enclosing synth when the UGen is finished.

  32. object freeSelfSuccDeep extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 12, freeing the enclosing synth when the UGen is finished.

  33. object freeSelfToHead extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 7, freeing the enclosing synth and all preceding nodes in its group when the UGen is finished.

  34. object freeSelfToTail extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 8, freeing the enclosing synth and all succeeding nodes  in its group when the UGen is finished.

  35. package impl

  36. object pauseSelf extends DoneAction with Product with Serializable

    A DoneAction with id 1, pausing the enclosing synth when the UGen is finished.

  37. object scalar extends Rate with Product with Serializable

    Scalar rated calculation (id 0) means that a value is only calculated once when a Synth is initialized.

  38. package ugen
