

Related Docs: object ZSink | package stream


final class ZSink[-R, +E, -In, +L, +Z] extends AnyVal

Self Type
ZSink[R, E, In, L, Z]
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ZSink
  2. AnyVal
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
  3. def &>[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, A0, In1 <: In, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1]


    Operator alias for zipParRight.

  4. def *>[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, A0, In1 <: In, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1]


    Operator alias for zipRight.

  5. def <&[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, A0, In1 <: In, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z]


    Operator alias for zipParLeft.

  6. def <&>[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, A0, In1 <: In, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit zippable: Zippable[Z, Z1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Out]


    Operator alias for zipPar.

  7. def <*[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, A0, In1 <: In, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z]


    Operator alias for zipLeft.

  8. def <*>[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, A0, In1 <: In, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit zippable: Zippable[Z, Z1], ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Out]


    Operator alias for zip.

  9. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  10. def as[Z2](z: ⇒ Z2)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In, L, Z2]


    Replaces this sink's result with the provided value.

  11. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  12. val channel: ZChannel[R, ZNothing, Chunk[In], Any, E, Chunk[L], Z]

  13. def collectAll(implicit ev: <:<[L, In], trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In, L, Chunk[Z]]


    Repeatedly runs the sink and accumulates its results into a chunk

  14. def collectAllWhileWith[S](z: ⇒ S)(p: (Z) ⇒ Boolean)(f: (S, Z) ⇒ S)(implicit ev: <:<[L, In], trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In, L, S]


    Repeatedly runs the sink for as long as its results satisfy the predicate p.

    Repeatedly runs the sink for as long as its results satisfy the predicate p. The sink's results will be accumulated using the stepping function f.

  15. def collectLeftover(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In, Nothing, (Z, Chunk[L])]


    Collects the leftovers from the stream when the sink succeeds and returns them as part of the sink's result

  16. def contramap[In1](f: (In1) ⇒ In)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In1, L, Z]


    Transforms this sink's input elements.

  17. def contramapChunks[In1](f: (Chunk[In1]) ⇒ Chunk[In])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In1, L, Z]


    Transforms this sink's input chunks.

    Transforms this sink's input chunks. f must preserve chunking-invariance

  18. def contramapChunksZIO[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, In1](f: (Chunk[In1]) ⇒ ZIO[R1, E1, Chunk[In]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L, Z]


    Effectfully transforms this sink's input chunks.

    Effectfully transforms this sink's input chunks. f must preserve chunking-invariance

  19. def contramapZIO[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, In1](f: (In1) ⇒ ZIO[R1, E1, In])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L, Z]


    Effectfully transforms this sink's input elements.

  20. def dimap[In1, Z1](f: (In1) ⇒ In, g: (Z) ⇒ Z1)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In1, L, Z1]


    Transforms both inputs and result of this sink using the provided functions.

  21. def dimapChunks[In1, Z1](f: (Chunk[In1]) ⇒ Chunk[In], g: (Z) ⇒ Z1)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In1, L, Z1]


    Transforms both input chunks and result of this sink using the provided functions.

  22. def dimapChunksZIO[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, In1, Z1](f: (Chunk[In1]) ⇒ ZIO[R1, E1, Chunk[In]], g: (Z) ⇒ ZIO[R1, E1, Z1])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L, Z1]


    Effectfully transforms both input chunks and result of this sink using the provided functions.

    Effectfully transforms both input chunks and result of this sink using the provided functions. f and g must preserve chunking-invariance

  23. def dimapZIO[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, In1, Z1](f: (In1) ⇒ ZIO[R1, E1, In], g: (Z) ⇒ ZIO[R1, E1, Z1])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L, Z1]


    Effectfully transforms both inputs and result of this sink using the provided functions.

  24. final def ensuring[R1 <: R](finalizer: ⇒ URIO[R1, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E, In, L, Z]


    Returns a new sink with an attached finalizer.

    Returns a new sink with an attached finalizer. The finalizer is guaranteed to be executed so long as the sink begins execution (and regardless of whether or not it completes).

  25. final def ensuringWith[R1 <: R](finalizer: (Exit[E, Z]) ⇒ URIO[R1, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E, In, L, Z]


    Returns a new sink with an attached finalizer.

    Returns a new sink with an attached finalizer. The finalizer is guaranteed to be executed so long as the sink begins execution (and regardless of whether or not it completes).

  26. def filterInput[In1 <: In](p: (In1) ⇒ Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In1, L, Z]


    Filters the sink's input with the given predicate

  27. def filterInputZIO[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, In1 <: In](p: (In1) ⇒ ZIO[R1, E1, Boolean])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L, Z]


    Filters the sink's input with the given ZIO predicate

  28. def findZIO[R1 <: R, E1 >: E](f: (Z) ⇒ ZIO[R1, E1, Boolean])(implicit ev: <:<[L, In], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In, L, Option[Z]]


    Creates a sink that produces values until one verifies the predicate f.

  29. def flatMap[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, In1 <: In, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](f: (Z) ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1]


    Runs this sink until it yields a result, then uses that result to create another sink from the provided function which will continue to run until it yields a result.

    Runs this sink until it yields a result, then uses that result to create another sink from the provided function which will continue to run until it yields a result.

    This function essentially runs sinks in sequence.

  30. def foldSink[R1 <: R, E2, In1 <: In, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](failure: (E) ⇒ ZSink[R1, E2, In1, L1, Z1], success: (Z) ⇒ ZSink[R1, E2, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E2, In1, L1, Z1]


    Folds over the result of the sink

  31. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]

    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  32. def ignoreLeftover(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In, Nothing, Z]


    Drains the remaining elements from the stream after the sink finishes

  33. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  34. def map[Z2](f: (Z) ⇒ Z2)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In, L, Z2]


    Transforms this sink's result.

  35. def mapError[E2](f: (E) ⇒ E2)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E2, In, L, Z]


    Transforms the errors emitted by this sink using f.

  36. def mapLeftover[L2](f: (L) ⇒ L2)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In, L2, Z]


    Transforms the leftovers emitted by this sink using f.

  37. def mapZIO[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, Z1](f: (Z) ⇒ ZIO[R1, E1, Z1])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In, L, Z1]


    Effectfully transforms this sink's result.

  38. def orElse[R1 <: R, In1 <: In, E2 >: E, L1 >: L, Z1 >: Z](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E2, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E2, In1, L1, Z1]


    Switch to another sink in case of failure

  39. def provideEnvironment(r: ⇒ ZEnvironment[R])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[Any, E, In, L, Z]


    Provides the sink with its required environment, which eliminates its dependency on R.

  40. def race[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, A0, In1 <: In, L1 >: L, Z1 >: Z](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1]


    Runs both sinks in parallel on the input, , returning the result or the error from the one that finishes first.

  41. def raceBoth[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, A0, In1 <: In, L1 >: L, Z2](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z2], capacity: ⇒ Int = 16)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Either[Z, Z2]]


    Runs both sinks in parallel on the input, returning the result or the error from the one that finishes first.

  42. def raceWith[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, A0, In1 <: In, L1 >: L, Z1, Z2](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1], capacity: ⇒ Int = 16)(leftDone: (Exit[E, Z]) ⇒ MergeDecision[R1, E1, Z1, E1, Z2], rightDone: (Exit[E1, Z1]) ⇒ MergeDecision[R1, E, Z, E1, Z2])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z2]


    Runs both sinks in parallel on the input, using the specified merge function as soon as one result or the other has been computed.

  43. def refineOrDie[E1](pf: PartialFunction[E, E1])(implicit ev1: IsSubtypeOfError[E, Throwable], ev2: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E1, In, L, Z]

  44. def refineOrDieWith[E1](pf: PartialFunction[E, E1])(f: (E) ⇒ Throwable)(implicit ev: CanFail[E], trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E1, In, L, Z]

  45. def splitWhere[In1 <: In](f: (In1) ⇒ Boolean)(implicit ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In1, In1, Z]


    Splits the sink on the specified predicate, returning a new sink that consumes elements until an element after the first satisfies the specified predicate.

  46. def summarized[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B, C](summary: ⇒ ZIO[R1, E1, B])(f: (B, B) ⇒ C)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In, L, (Z, C)]


    Summarize a sink by running an effect when the sink starts and again when it completes

  47. def timed(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R, E, In, L, (Z, zio.Duration)]


    Returns the sink that executes this one and times its execution.

  48. def toChannel: ZChannel[R, ZNothing, Chunk[In], Any, E, Chunk[L], Z]


    Converts ths sink to its underlying channel

  49. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
  50. def zip[R1 <: R, In1 <: In, E1 >: E, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit zippable: Zippable[Z, Z1], ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Out]


    Feeds inputs to this sink until it yields a result, then switches over to the provided sink until it yields a result, finally combining the two results into a tuple.

  51. def zipLeft[R1 <: R, In1 <: In, E1 >: E, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z]


    Like zip, but keeps only the result from the that sink.

  52. def zipPar[R1 <: R, In1 <: In, E1 >: E, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit zippable: Zippable[Z, Z1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Out]


    Runs both sinks in parallel on the input and combines the results in a tuple.

  53. def zipParLeft[R1 <: R, In1 <: In, E1 >: E, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z]


    Like zipPar, but keeps only the result from this sink.

  54. def zipParRight[R1 <: R, In1 <: In, E1 >: E, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1]


    Like zipPar, but keeps only the result from the that sink.

  55. def zipRight[R1 <: R, In1 <: In, E1 >: E, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1]


    Like zip, but keeps only the result from this sink.

  56. def zipWith[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, In1 <: In, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1, Z2](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(f: (Z, Z1) ⇒ Z2)(implicit ev: <:<[L, In1], trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z2]


    Feeds inputs to this sink until it yields a result, then switches over to the provided sink until it yields a result, finally combining the two results with f.

  57. def zipWithPar[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, In1 <: In, L1 >: L <: In1, Z1, Z2](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(f: (Z, Z1) ⇒ Z2)(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z2]


    Runs both sinks in parallel on the input and combines the results using the provided function.

  58. def |[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, In1 <: In, L1 >: L, Z1 >: Z](that: ⇒ ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1])(implicit trace: Trace): ZSink[R1, E1, In1, L1, Z1]


    Operator alias for race.

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from Any
