



package util

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AllSparseFeatures[T]()(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T]) extends Estimator[Seq[(T, Double)], SparseVector[Double]] with Product with Serializable


    An Estimator that chooses all sparse features observed when training, and produces a transformer which builds a sparse vector out of them.

    An Estimator that chooses all sparse features observed when training, and produces a transformer which builds a sparse vector out of them.

    Deterministically orders the feature mappings by earliest appearance in the RDD

  2. case class Cacher[T](name: Option[String] = None)(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T]) extends Transformer[T, T] with Logging with Product with Serializable


    Caches an RDD at a given point within a Pipeline.

    Caches an RDD at a given point within a Pipeline. Follows Spark's lazy evaluation conventions.


    Type of the input to cache.


    An optional name to set on the cached output. Useful for debugging.

  3. case class ClassLabelIndicatorsFromIntArrayLabels(numClasses: Int, validate: Boolean = false) extends Transformer[Array[Int], DenseVector[Double]] with Product with Serializable


    Given a set of class labels, returns a binary vector that indicates when each class is present.

    Given a set of class labels, returns a binary vector that indicates when each class is present.

    Expects labels in the range [0, numClasses) and numClasses > 1.

  4. case class ClassLabelIndicatorsFromIntLabels(numClasses: Int) extends Transformer[Int, DenseVector[Double]] with Product with Serializable


    Given a class label, returns a binary vector that indicates when that class is present.

    Given a class label, returns a binary vector that indicates when that class is present.

    Expects labels in the range [0, numClasses) and numClasses > 1.

  5. case class CommonSparseFeatures[T](numFeatures: Int)(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T]) extends Estimator[Seq[(T, Double)], SparseVector[Double]] with Product with Serializable


    An Estimator that chooses the most frequently observed sparse features when training, and produces a transformer which builds a sparse vector out of them

    An Estimator that chooses the most frequently observed sparse features when training, and produces a transformer which builds a sparse vector out of them

    Deterministically orders the feature mappings first by decreasing number of appearances, then by earliest appearance in the RDD


    The number of features to keep

  6. case class Densify[T <: Vector[Double]]() extends Transformer[T, DenseVector[Double]] with Product with Serializable


    Transformer to densify vectors into DenseVectors.

  7. class Identity[T] extends Transformer[T, T]


    This class performs a no-op on its input.

    This class performs a no-op on its input.


    Type of the input and, by definition, output.

  8. class Shuffler[T] extends Transformer[T, T] with Logging


    Randomly shuffle the rows of an RDD within a pipeline.

    Randomly shuffle the rows of an RDD within a pipeline. Uses a shuffle operation in Spark.


    Type of the input to shuffle.

  9. class SparseFeatureVectorizer[T] extends Transformer[Seq[(T, Double)], SparseVector[Double]]


    A transformer which given a feature space, maps features of the form (feature id, value) into a sparse vector

  10. case class Sparsify[T <: Vector[Double]]() extends Transformer[T, SparseVector[Double]] with Product with Serializable


    Transformer to convert vectors into SparseVectors.

  11. class TopKClassifier extends Transformer[DenseVector[Double], Array[Int]]


    Transformer that returns the indices of the largest k values of the vector, in order

  12. case class VectorCombiner[T]()(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[T], zero: Zero[T]) extends Transformer[Seq[DenseVector[T]], DenseVector[T]] with Product with Serializable


    Concats a Seq of DenseVectors into a single DenseVector.

  13. class VectorSplitter extends FunctionNode[RDD[DenseVector[Double]], Seq[RDD[DenseVector[Double]]]]


    This transformer splits the input vector into a number of blocks.

Value Members

  1. object FloatToDouble extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Float], DenseMatrix[Double]]


    Converts float matrix to a double matrix.

  2. object MatrixVectorizer extends Transformer[DenseMatrix[Double], DenseVector[Double]]


    Flattens a matrix into a vector.

  3. object MaxClassifier extends Transformer[DenseVector[Double], Int]


    Transformer that returns the index of the largest value in the vector

  4. object TopKClassifier extends Serializable


    Object to allow creating top k classifier w/o new
