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AbstractBuilder() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
AbstractJsonObject - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common
A immutable representation of a JSON object, this class provides the basis of generic labels and the parameter and results dictionaries for processing.
AbstractJsonObject(AbstractJsonObject) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
Method that can be used to create a new json object by copying an existing json object.
AbstractJsonObject(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
Method that can be used by subclasses.
AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder<T extends AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder,​R extends JsonObject> - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common
An abstract builder for json objects which can used by subclasses to provide builders.
add(Builder<T>) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Labeler
Calls Builder.build() and then adds the result to the labeler.
add(T) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Labeler
Adds the label to this labeler, it will be uploaded to the server when this labeler is closed or Labeler.done() is called.
addAllDefaultAdapters(Map<String, ProtoLabelAdapter<?>>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.EventProcessor
Adds a map of default adapters.
addBinaryData(String, String, @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull byte[]) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Adds binary data to the event.
addCreatedIndices(Collection<String>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
addDefaultAdapter(String, ProtoLabelAdapter<?>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.EventProcessor
Adds a default adapter for a specified label index name.
addDocument(String, String, String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Attaches a document to the event.
additionalMetadata() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Processor
Any additional metadata.
addLabels(String, boolean, List<GenericLabel>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Adds the list of generic labels as a new label index.
addLabels(String, String, String, List<L>, ProtoLabelAdapter<L>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Adds a label index to a document.
addLabels(String, List<? extends Label>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Adds the list of Generic labels, looking up the label adapter from the default adapters map.
addLabels(String, ProtoLabelAdapter<L>, List<L>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Adds a list of labels as a new label index.
addMetadata(String, String, String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Adds a metadata entry to the event.
addTime(String, long) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DefaultTimingService
addTime(String, long) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.TimingService
addToMessage(List<L>, EventsOuterClass.AddLabelsRequest.Builder) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.ProtoLabelAdapter
Adds the labels to an add labels request message.
after(int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
A label index of all labels that begin after index.
after(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
A label index of all labels that begin after label ends.
ascending() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
ascending() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
This label index sorted according to ascending start and end index.
ascending() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
asList() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
asList() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
An unmodifiable list view of this label index.
asList() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
asMap() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Config
Returns this configuration object as a map.
asMap() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
atLocation(int, int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
The collection of all labels in this index that start at startIndex and end at endIndex.
atLocation(Label) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
atLocation(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
The collection of all labels in this index that match the span of label.
atLocation(Label) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex


backingMap - Variable in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
backwardFrom(int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
A label consisting of all the labels sorted descending backward from index.
backwardFrom(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
A label consisting of all the labels sorted descending backward from label.
before(int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
A label index of all labels that begin before index.
before(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
A label index of all the labels that occur before label starts.
beginningInside(int, int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
beginningInside(int, int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
A Label index of all labels that begin inside the span of text that starts at startIndex and ends at endIndex.
beginningInside(int, int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
beginningInside(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
A Label index of all labels that begin inside the span of text covered by label.
blockUntilShutdown() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Server
Waits until the server has shutdown.
blockUntilShutdown() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer
blockUntilShutdown() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer
build() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectBuilder
Creates the concrete json object type.
build() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectImpl.Builder
Creates a JsonObjectImpl
build() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
build() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Builder
Builds the object.
build() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
Creates a new event.
build() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel.Builder
Builds a generic label from the properties that have been added to this newBuilder.
build(EventProcessor) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
Creates a processor server using the options specified in this object.
Builder<T> - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
An interface for builders.
Builder() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectImpl.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
Builder(int, int) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel.Builder
Default constructor.


channelFactory(ChannelFactory) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
ChannelFactory - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
checkForReferenceCycle(Object, Deque<Object>) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
checkIndexRange(int, int) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
A precondition check that checks whether the indices are valid for a label.
checkReferenceValues(Object, Deque<Object>) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
clientPool(EventsClientPool) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
close() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer
close() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
close() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
close() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClientPool
close() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Labeler
Closes the labeler sending any labels to the server.
close() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DefaultProcessorService
close() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorContext
close() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorRunner
close() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorService
close() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Stopwatch
Stops the timer, recording the time elapsed.
closeEvent(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Closes the event with the given ID, releasing a permit on the event.
collectFloatingReferences(Set<Integer>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
collectFloatingReferences(Set<Integer>) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Used to add any memory address identifiers for labels that this label references to a list to wait on before uploading this label.
compareLocation(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Compares this label to another label by their locations, i.e.
compareStart(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Compares this label to another label by their start indices.
Config - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common
configFile(Path) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
ConfigImpl - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common
Global system configuration object.
contains(Object) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
containsKey(Object) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
containsKey(Object) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
containsSpan(int, int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
Whether this label index contains a label that starts at startIndex and ends at endIndex.
containsSpan(Label) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
containsSpan(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
Whether this label index contains a label with a span that matches that of label.
containsSpan(Label) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
copy() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Config
Creates a copy of this configuration object.
copy() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
copyStruct(Struct) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
copyStruct(Struct) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectBuilder
Copies the contents of a protobuf struct to this builder.
copyToStruct(Struct.Builder) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
copyToStruct(Struct.Builder) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObject
Copies a json object to a protobuf struct newBuilder.
covering(int, int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
The collection of labels that contain the text that starts at startIndex and ends at endIndex.
covering(Label) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
covering(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
The collection of labels that contain the span of text covered by label.
covering(Label) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
covers(int, int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Whether the span of text covered by this label includes the span of text starting at startIndex and ending at endIndex.
covers(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Whether the span of text covered by this label includes the span of text covered by the other label.
create(List<L>) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
Creates a distinct (not capable of handling overlapping labels) label index.
create(List<L>) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
createByCopying(Config) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
createChannel(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.ChannelFactory
createChannel(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.StandardChannelFactory
createDocument(String, String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
Adds a new document keyed by documentName and containing text.
createIndexFromResponse(EventsOuterClass.GetLabelsResponse) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.ProtoLabelAdapter
Creates a label index from a response message from the events service.
createLabelIndex(List<L>) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.ProtoLabelAdapter
Creates a label index from the list of labels.
createServer(EventProcessor) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
createSpan(int, int) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
Creates a generic label that indicates a span of text.
CUSTOM - edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo.LabelIndexType
Other / custom protobuf index.


dataType() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ParameterDescription
The expected data type of the parameter.
dataType() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.PropertyDescription
The data type of the property: str, float, or boolean; List[T] or Mapping[T1, T2] of those.
defaultAdapters(Map<String, ProtoLabelAdapter<?>>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
Builder method which sets a map of label index names to default adapters, that will be used by any documents on this event.
defaultConfig() - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
The default configuration for mtap.
DefaultProcessorService - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
DefaultProcessorService(ProcessorRunner, TimingService, DiscoveryMechanism, HealthService, String, String, String) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DefaultProcessorService
DefaultTimingService - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
DefaultTimingService() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DefaultTimingService
dereference(Object, Document) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
deregister(ServiceInfo) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.DiscoveryMechanism
descending() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
descending() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
This label index sorted according to descending start and end index.
descending() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
description() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.LabelIndexDescription
A description of the label index.
description() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ParameterDescription
A short description of the parameter and what it does.
description() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Processor
A short description of what the processor does.
description() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.PropertyDescription
A short description of the property.
Discovery - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery
DiscoveryMechanism - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery
DistinctLabelIndex<L extends Label> - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
Implementation of distinct (non-overlapping) label indices.
DistinctLabelIndex(List<L>) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
DistinctLabelIndex(L...) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
Document - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
A document of text and labels in the MTAP system.
Document(String, String) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Creates a new document.
DocumentProcessor - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
Abstract base class for a processor of Document objects.
DocumentProcessor() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DocumentProcessor
done() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Labeler
Closes this labeler, uploading any labels that have been added to the events service.
dump(Path, Class...) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.utilities.PrintProcessorMetadata
dumpAll() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.utilities.PrintProcessorMetadata


edu.umn.nlpie.mtap - package edu.umn.nlpie.mtap
The public Java SDK for MTAP.
edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common - package edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common
edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery - package edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery
edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples - package edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples
Examples of usage of the MTAP Java SDK.
edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc - package edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc
edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model - package edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing - package edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.utilities - package edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.utilities
elapsed() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Stopwatch
Returns the total elapsed duration.
emptyConfig() - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
A configuration containing no keys.
enterContext() - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorBase
entrySet() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
entrySet() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
A view of all of the entries/properties in this object.
equals(Object) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo
ErrorThrower - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples
ErrorThrower() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.ErrorThrower
Event - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
A processing event, containing related documents, binaries, and associated metadata.
Event.Builder - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
A builder for events, whether they are local objects, or distributed objects shared via an events service.
EventExistsException - Exception in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc
Exception thrown when an event already exists and only create new was specified.
EventExistsException() - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.EventExistsException
EventExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.EventExistsException
EventExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.EventExistsException
EventExistsException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.EventExistsException
EventExistsException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.EventExistsException
eventID(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
Sets the unique event identifier.
eventInstanceID(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
EventProcessor - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
Abstract base class for a processor of Event objects.
EventProcessor() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.EventProcessor
EVENTS_SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.MTAP
The name used by the events service for discovery.
EventsClient - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
A client to an events service.
EventsClient(ManagedChannel, String) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Creates a client.
EventsClientPool - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
EventsClientPool(Collection<EventsClient>) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClientPool
EventsServer - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap
EventsServer.Builder - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap
eventsTarget(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
ExperimentalApi - Annotation Type in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap
Represents a public facing interface without guaranteed stability.


FailedToConnectToEventsException - Exception in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc
FailedToConnectToEventsException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.FailedToConnectToEventsException
first() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
first() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
The first label in this label index according to current sort order, if it exists or else null.
first() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
firstAtLocation(int, int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
The first label added to the label index that starts at startIndex and ends at endIndex.
firstAtLocation(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
The first label added to the label index that covers the same span of text as label.
forwardFrom(int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
A label index consisting of all the labels sorted ascending forward from index.
forwardFrom(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
A label index consisting of all the labels sorted ascending forward from label.
fromAddresses(String[], ChannelFactory) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClientPool


GENERIC - edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo.LabelIndexType
JSON / generic label index.
GenericLabel - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
A generalized, dynamic label on text which can contain arbitrary key-value items.
GenericLabel.Builder - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
A newBuilder for generic label objects.
get(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
get(int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
Gets the label with identifier i.
get(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
get(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Config
The value for key.
get(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
get(Object) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
get(Object) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
getAddress() - Method in exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.FailedToConnectToEventsException
getAllBinaryDataNames(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Get all of the keys that have associated binary data in the event's binaries map.
getAllDocumentNames(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Gets all of the names of documents that are stored on an event.
getAllMetadata(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Returns a map of all the metadata on the event.
getBinaryData() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
Returns a map used to manipulate and retrieve the binary data stored with the event.
getBinaryData(String, String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Gets binary data on the event.
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Config
The value for key cast as a Boolean.
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObject
Returns the property cast as a Boolean object.
getBooleanValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectBuilder
Returns the property cast as a Boolean object.
getChannelFactory() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
getClient() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
Returns the events client (if set).
getClientPool() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
getConfigFile() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
getConfigFile() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
getCreatedIndices() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
The list of the names of all label indices that have been added to this document locally.
getCreatedIndices() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
Returns the indices that have been created on all documents on this event.
getCurrentContext() - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorBase
getDefaultAdapters() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
The map of default adapters to use for label indices.
getDefaultAdapters() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
Returns an unmodifiable map from index name to default adapters
getDefaultAdapters() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.EventProcessor
An unmodifiable view of the default label adapters.
getDiscoveryMechanism(Config) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.Discovery
getDocument() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
getDocument() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
The document that the label appears on.
getDocument() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.TextSpan
getDocuments() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
Returns a map used to manipulate and retrieve the documents stored on this event.
getDocumentText(String, String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Retrieves the text of a document.
getDoubleValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Config
The value for key cast as a Double.
getDoubleValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
getEndIndex() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
getEndIndex() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Exclusive end index.
getEndIndex() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.TextSpan
getEvent() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Get the parent event.
getEventID() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
Gets the unique event identifier, using a random UUID string if the event id has not been set.
getEventID() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
Returns the unique identifier for the event.
getEventInstanceID() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
getEventInstanceID() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
Returns the service instance identifier for this event.
getEventsTarget() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
getGrpcServer() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer
getHomeDirectory() - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.utilities.Helpers
getHost() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.ServiceInfo
getHost() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
getHostname() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
getIdentifier() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.ServiceInfo
getIdentifier() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
getIdentifier() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Returns the label-index unique identifier / index of the label.
getIdentifier() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.TextSpan
getIndexName() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo
The name of the label index.
getInfo(Processing.GetInfoRequest, StreamObserver<Processing.GetInfoResponse>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DefaultProcessorService
getInfo(Processing.GetInfoRequest, StreamObserver<Processing.GetInfoResponse>) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorService
getInstanceId() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
getIntegerValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Config
The value for key cast as a String.
getIntegerValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
getJsonObjectValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
getJsonObjectValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
getJsonObjectValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObject
Returns the property cast as a AbstractJsonObject.
getJsonObjectValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectBuilder
Returns the property cast as a AbstractJsonObject.
getLabeler(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Returns a labeler for non-distinct GenericLabel objects stored on labelIndexName.
getLabeler(String, boolean) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Returns a labeler for GenericLabel objects stored on labelIndexName with distinctness specified by isDistinct.
getLabelIndex(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Gets a label index containing GenericLabel from the document service.
getLabelIndexName() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
getLabelIndexName() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
The name of the label index this label appears in.
getLabelIndexName() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.TextSpan
getLabelIndices() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
The mapping from strings to label indices.
getLabelIndicesInfos(String, String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Gets information about the label indices on a document and their type.
getLabelListValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
Gets a list of label reference values.
getLabelMapValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
Gets a map of label reference values.
getLabels(Document, String, ProtoLabelAdapter<L>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Retrieves a label index from a document.
getLabelType() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Labeler
The type of label that should be added to this labeler.
getLabelType() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.ProtoLabelAdapter
The class of the type of label that will be adapted.
getLabelValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
Gets a field value that references another label.
getListValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
getListValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
getListValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObject
Returns the property cast as a List.
getListValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectBuilder
Returns the property cast as a List.
getLogLevel() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
getMetadata() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
Returns the metadata associated with the event.
getName() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.ServiceInfo
getName() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Gets the event-unique document name of this document.
getName() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
An optional name to replace the processor's default name for service registration and discovery.
getNumberValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
getNumberValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
getNumberValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObject
Returns the property cast as a Double object.
getNumberValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectBuilder
Returns the property cast as a Double object.
getPort() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Server
Gets the port that the server is bound to.
getPort() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.ServiceInfo
getPort() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
getPort() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer
getPort() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
getPort() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer
getProcessor() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorRunner
getProcessorMeta() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorRunner
getProcessorMetadata() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.EventProcessor
Returns a map of this processor's metadata as specified in the Processor annotation.
getProcessorName() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.EventProcessor
The processor name as specified by the Processor annotation.
getReferentialValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
Gets a label reference value, without casting.
getRegister() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
getService() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.HealthService
getService() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.HSMHealthService
getServiceTarget(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.DiscoveryMechanism
getServiceTarget(String, String...) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.DiscoveryMechanism
getSid() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
Gets a unique, per-instance service identifier used to register and deregister the processor with service discovery.
getStartIndex() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
getStartIndex() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
The index of the first character included in the label.
getStartIndex() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.TextSpan
getStats(Processing.GetStatsRequest, StreamObserver<Processing.GetStatsResponse>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DefaultProcessorService
getStats(Processing.GetStatsRequest, StreamObserver<Processing.GetStatsResponse>) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorService
getStringValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
getStringValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
getStringValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Config
The value for key cast as a String.
getStringValue(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
getStringValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObject
Returns the property cast as a String object.
getStringValue(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectBuilder
Returns the property cast as a String object.
getTags() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.ServiceInfo
getText() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Get the text of the document.
getText() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Retrieves the portion of the document text covered by this label.
getText() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.TextSpan
getTimerStats() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DefaultTimingService
getTimerStats() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.TimingService
getTimes() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorContext
getType() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo
The type of the label index.
getWorkers() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
getWorkers() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
getWriteAddress() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder


hashCode() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo
HealthService - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
HelloWorldExample - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples
HelloWorldExample() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.HelloWorldExample
Helpers - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.utilities
host(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
hostProcessor(String[], EventProcessor) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer
HSMHealthService - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
HSMHealthService() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.HSMHealthService
humanName() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Processor
A human-readable name for the processor.


initializeNameResolution() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.DiscoveryMechanism
inputs() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Processor
Descriptions of the input label indices.
inside(int, int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
inside(int, int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
The collection of labels that are entirely contained in the span of text that starts at startIndex and ends at endIndex.
inside(int, int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
inside(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
The collection of labels that are entirely contained in the span of text covered by label.
instanceFor(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClientPool
Internal - Annotation Type in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap
Represents a class or interface that is not meant for any public consumption.
isDistinct() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
isDistinct() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
Returns whether or not the index is distinct.
isDistinct() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
isInside(int, int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Whether this label is inside the span starting with startIndex and ending with endIndex.
isOnlyCreateNew() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
If the events client is set, this controls whether the builder will fail if the event already exists.
isRegister() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
isRunning() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Server
Whether the server is running.
isRunning() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer
isRunning() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer
isWriteAddress() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
iterator() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
iterator() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex


jsonify(Object, Deque<Object>) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject
Turns the object into one that can be directly serialized to json.
JsonObject - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common
A immutable representation of a JSON object, this class provides the basis of generic labels and the parameter and results dictionaries for processing.
JsonObjectBuilder<T extends JsonObjectBuilder,​R extends JsonObject> - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common
JsonObjectImpl - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common
A concrete implementation of a JsonObject.
JsonObjectImpl(AbstractJsonObject) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectImpl
Creates a new json object as a copy of the json object.
JsonObjectImpl.Builder - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common
A concrete Builder for JsonObjectImpl.


key() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.KeyValue
The key.
KeyValue - Annotation Type in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
A key-value pair.


Label - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
An interface for a span of text that has been determined to have some specific meaning or function.
Labeler<T extends Label> - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
An interface that is used to add labels to a document.
LabelIndex<L extends Label> - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
An immutable collection of labels ordered by their location in text.
LabelIndexDescription - Annotation Type in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
A description of the input and output label indices of a processor.
LabelIndexInfo - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
Information about a label index on a document.
LabelIndexInfo(String, LabelIndexInfo.LabelIndexType) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo
Creates a new object containing information about a label index.
LabelIndexInfo.LabelIndexType - Enum in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
The type of label index.
last() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
last() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndex
The last label in this label index according to current sort order, if it exists, or else null.
last() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
length() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Returns the length (in number of characters) of the Label.
loadConfig(Path) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
Loads a configuration from the specified configPath.
loadConfigFromLocationOrDefaults(Path) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
Loads a configuration from the parameter or one of the default locations if there is a configuration file present.
loadFromDefaultLocations() - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
Loads a configuration from one of the default locations if there is a configuration file present.
locationEquals(Label) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Whether the span of text covered by this label is the same as the span of text covered by the other label.
logLevel(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder


main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.ErrorThrower
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.HelloWorldExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.ReferenceLabelsExampleProcessor
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.WordOccurrencesExampleProcessor
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.MTAP
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.utilities.PrintProcessorMetadata
metadataMap(Class<?>) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorBase
MTAP - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap
The main class and entry points for the MTAP framework.
MTAP() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.MTAP
MtapException - Exception in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc
MtapException() - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.MtapException
MtapException(String) - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.MtapException
MtapException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.MtapException
MtapException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.MtapException
MtapException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.exc.MtapException


name() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.LabelIndexDescription
The default name of the label index.
name() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ParameterDescription
The parameter name / key.
name() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.PropertyDescription
The name of the property.
name(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
Sets the optional name to replace the processor's default service name for service registration and discovery.
nameFromParameter() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.LabelIndexDescription
If the name comes from a parameter, the key for that parameter.
newBuilder() - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectImpl
Creates a new Builder for json objects.
newBuilder() - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer
newBuilder() - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event
Creates a new builder for an event.
nextInstance() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClientPool
nullable() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.PropertyDescription
Whether the property can have a valid value of null.


onlyCreateNew(boolean) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
If the events client is set, this controls whether the builder will fail if the event already exists.
openEvent(String, boolean) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.EventsClient
Opens the event with the ID, if it does not already exist it will be created.
optional() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.LabelIndexDescription
Whether the label index is an optional input.
Options() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.WordOccurrencesExampleProcessor.Options
outputs() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Processor
Descriptions of the output label indices.


ParameterDescription - Annotation Type in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
A description of processor parameters.
parameters() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Processor
Descriptions of the processor's parameters.
port(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
printHelp(CmdLineParser, Class<?>, CmdLineException, OutputStream) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
Prints a help message.
PrintProcessorMetadata - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.utilities
Utilities for printing processor metadata.
PrintProcessorMetadata() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.utilities.PrintProcessorMetadata
process(Document, JsonObject, JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.ReferenceLabelsExampleProcessor
process(Document, JsonObject, JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.WordOccurrencesExampleProcessor
process(Document, JsonObject, JsonObjectBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DocumentProcessor
Method implemented by subclasses to process documents.
process(Event, JsonObject, JsonObjectBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.ErrorThrower
process(Event, JsonObject, JsonObjectBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DocumentProcessor
process(Event, JsonObject, JsonObjectBuilder<?, ?>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.EventProcessor
Performs processing of an event.
process(String, String, JsonObject) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorRunner
process(Processing.ProcessRequest, StreamObserver<Processing.ProcessResponse>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DefaultProcessorService
process(Processing.ProcessRequest, StreamObserver<Processing.ProcessResponse>) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorService
process(Document, JsonObject, JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.HelloWorldExample
Processor - Annotation Type in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
Annotation which marks a EventProcessor or DocumentProcessor as available for service discovery registration.
PROCESSOR_SERVICE_TAG - Static variable in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.MTAP
The name used by the processor services for discovery.
ProcessorBase - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
Contains functionality related to the handling of processor contexts.
ProcessorBase() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorBase
ProcessorContext - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
ProcessorRunner - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
ProcessorServer - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
Responsible for running and hosting EventProcessor and DocumentProcessor classes.
ProcessorServer.Builder - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
Args4j command-line supported options bean for processor servers.
ProcessorService - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
properties() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.LabelIndexDescription
The properties of the labels.
PropertyDescription - Annotation Type in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
A description of the properties of labels.
ProtoLabelAdapter<L extends Label> - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
Performs adaptation of label objects so that they can be uploaded to an events service.
put(String, Object) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
putTime(String, Duration) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorContext


reference() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.LabelIndexDescription
If this is an output of another processor, that processor's name followed by a slash and the default output name of the index go here.
referenceCache - Variable in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel.Builder
ReferenceLabelsExampleProcessor - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples
Examples showing labels referencing other labels.
ReferenceLabelsExampleProcessor() - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.ReferenceLabelsExampleProcessor
register() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
register(boolean) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
register(ServiceInfo) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.DiscoveryMechanism
required() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ParameterDescription
Whether the parameter is required, i.e.


Server - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common
A generic server.
ServiceInfo - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery
ServiceInfo(String, String, String, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.discovery.ServiceInfo
set(String, Object) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Config
Sets a configuration keyed by key to value.
set(String, Object) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
setChannelFactory(ChannelFactory) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
setClientPool(EventsClientPool) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
setConfigFile(Path) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
setConfigFile(Path) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
setDefaultAdapters(Map<String, ProtoLabelAdapter<?>>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
Sets a map of label index names to default adapters, that will be used by any documents on this event.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
setDocument(Document) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Sets the document that the label appears on.
setDocument(Document) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.TextSpan
setEvent(Event) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Document
Set the parent event object.
setEventID(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
Sets the unique event identifier.
setEventInstanceID(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
setEventsTarget(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
setHost(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
setHostname(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
setIdentifier(Integer) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
setIdentifier(Integer) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Sets the unique identifier for the label.
setIdentifier(Integer) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.TextSpan
setLabelIndexName(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
setLabelIndexName(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Label
Sets the name of the label index.
setLabelIndexName(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.TextSpan
setLogLevel(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
setName(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
Sets the optional name to replace the processor's default service name for service registration and discovery.
setOnlyCreateNew(boolean) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.Event.Builder
If the events client is set, this controls whether the builder will fail if the event already exists.
setPort(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
setPort(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
setProperties(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectBuilder
Builder method which sets all of the properties in map.
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.AbstractJsonObject.AbstractBuilder
setProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.JsonObjectBuilder
Builder method which sets a property keyed by propertyName to the value.
setReference(String, Object) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel.Builder
Sets a reference field, a field on the label which references another label.
setReferences(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel.Builder
Sets multiple reference fields, fields on the label which reference another label.
setRegister(boolean) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
setRegister(boolean) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
setSid(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
Sets a unique, per-instance service identifier used to register and deregister the processor with service discovery.
setSid(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
setWorkers(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
setWorkers(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
setWriteAddress(boolean) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
setWriteAddress(boolean) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
shutdown() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Server
Tells the server to shutdown receiving requests and to shut down.
shutdown() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer
shutdown() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.EventProcessor
Called when the processor service is going to shutdown serving so the processor can free any resources associated with the processor.
shutdown() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer
sid() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
size() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.DistinctLabelIndex
size() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
StandardChannelFactory - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
StandardChannelFactory(Config) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.StandardChannelFactory
StandardLabelIndex<L extends Label> - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
Implementation of standard (overlapping) label indices.
StandardLabelIndex(List<L>) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.StandardLabelIndex
start() - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Server
Starts the server.
start() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer
start() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer
start() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Stopwatch
Starts the timer.
started(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.DefaultProcessorService
started(int) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorService
startedServing(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.HealthService
startedServing(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.HSMHealthService
startedStopwatch(String) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorBase
Starts a stopwatch keyed by key that will attach its duration to the output of the processor.
stop() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Stopwatch
Stops/pauses the timer.
stoppedServing(String) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.HealthService
stoppedServing(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.HSMHealthService
Stopwatch - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
A stopwatch that can be used to time some piece of work in a processing context and automatically add the time to the processing response.
Stopwatch(ProcessorContext, String) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Stopwatch


TextSpan - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model
A simple immutable label which only marks a location in text.
TextSpan(String, int, int) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.TextSpan
TimingService - Interface in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing
toString() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo


uniqueServiceId(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
Sets a unique, per-instance service identifier used to register and deregister the processor with service discovery.
UNKNOWN - edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo.LabelIndexType
Not set or not known.
unstartedStopwatch(String) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorBase
Creates a stopwatch keyed by key that will attach its duration to the output of the processor.
update(Config) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Config
Updates this config with the configuration stored in another config file.
update(Config) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl
update(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.Config
Sets the configuration values contained in updates.
update(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.common.ConfigImpl


value() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.ExperimentalApi
value() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.Internal
value() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.KeyValue
The value.
value() - Method in annotation type edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.Processor
The processor name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo.LabelIndexType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.LabelIndexInfo.LabelIndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


withAddress(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
withConfigFile(Path) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
withPort(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
withSid(String) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
withSpan(int, int) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
Creates a Builder that can be used to create a generic label.
withSpan(Label) - Static method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.model.GenericLabel
Creates a Builder that can be used to create a generic label from the span of another label.
withWorkers(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
WordOccurrencesExampleProcessor - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples
An example document processor.
WordOccurrencesExampleProcessor(String) - Constructor for class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples.WordOccurrencesExampleProcessor
WordOccurrencesExampleProcessor.Options - Class in edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.examples
workers(int) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
writeAddress() - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.EventsServer.Builder
writeAddress(boolean) - Method in class edu.umn.nlpie.mtap.processing.ProcessorServer.Builder
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