



package backingelem

Yaidom BackingElemApi implementations that can be used as underlying element implementation in the TQA taxonomy DOM.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. backingelem
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final class CachingDocumentBuilder[E <: BackingElemApi] extends DocumentBuilder


    DocumentBuilder using a Guava document cache.

    DocumentBuilder using a Guava document cache. By all means, reuse the underlying document cache as much as possible.

  2. trait DocumentBuilder extends AnyRef


    Any builder of a document root backing element.

    Any builder of a document root backing element. Typical document builders convert the document URI to a local URI, parse the document using that local URI, and after parsing store the original URI as document URI in the returned backing element.

    Document builders can be stacked, for example to perform some "post-processing". For example, some taxonomy document may have a broken link in the schema location attribute, and such a post-processing step can fix that before the backing element is used to build a type-safe taxonomy DOM tree from it.

    Note that document builders backed by typical XML parsers are not thread-safe!

    Note that these builders return root elements and not documents, so top-level comments and processing instructions are lost. It should be possible to parse the document later again, given the document URI, if needed using StAX in order to get only the top-level comments, processing instructions and XML declaration. Retrieval of these information items can be hidden behind strategy interfaces, so only "application wiring" needs to worry about how to obtain this data.

Value Members

  1. object CachingDocumentBuilder

  2. object DocumentBuilder

  3. object UriConverters


    URI converters, typically converting an HTTP or HTTPS URI to a local file URI.

  4. package indexed


    Native yaidom "indexed" BackingElemApi implementation that can be used as underlying element implementation in the TQA taxonomy DOM.

    Native yaidom "indexed" BackingElemApi implementation that can be used as underlying element implementation in the TQA taxonomy DOM. It is not very efficient, in particular in memory footprint.

  5. package nodeinfo


    Saxon-based BackingElemApi implementation that can be used as underlying element implementation in the TQA taxonomy DOM.

    Saxon-based BackingElemApi implementation that can be used as underlying element implementation in the TQA taxonomy DOM. If Saxon tiny trees are used under the hood, this implementation is very efficient, in particular in memory footprint.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
