



package table

  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. package common


    Classes that are common to the DOM and model packages, typically "enumerations".

  2. package dom


    Type-safe XBRL table linkbase DOM extension.

    Type-safe XBRL table linkbase DOM extension. This package contains models for XLink arcs, XLink resources and non-XLink elements in a table linkbase context.

    Like for the normal taxonomy DOM model, instantiation of the table DOM extensions should be successful even if the table linkbase content is not schema-valid, but the less forgiving query methods should be used defensively on potentially non-schema-valid table linkbase content.

    This package depends on the formula DOM package.

  3. package model


    Model of table linkbase content, as free from XML as possible.

    Model of table linkbase content, as free from XML as possible. The model is not XPath-aware, other than keeping XPath expressions as strings. It is not XLink-aware, but replaces relationships by a case class hierarchy.

    The model is hierarchical, regarding nodes to be properties of breakdowns, etc.

    The model may contain less information than the XML-backed DOM and relationship classes for tables.

    This model is not dependent on the (table) DOM, relationship and query API packages. The reverse is also true. In other words, this model package can be used in isolation.

  4. package queryapi


    Type-safe XBRL table linkbase query API extension.

  5. package relationship


    Type-safe XBRL table linkbase relationship extension.

    Type-safe XBRL table linkbase relationship extension. This package contains models for relationships in a table linkbase context.

    Like for the normal relationship model, instantiation of the table relationship extensions should be successful even if the table linkbase content is not schema-valid, but the less forgiving query methods should be used defensively on potentially non-schema-valid table linkbase content.

  6. package taxonomy


    Taxonomy extension for table linkbase content.

  7. package taxonomymodel


    Model-aware layer on top of a BasicTableTaxonomy.
