



package docbuilder

Document builders for yaidom BackingNodes.Elem implementations that can be used as underlying element implementation in the TQA taxonomy DOM.

The document builder abstraction must be useful both in the JVM and in JavaScript runtimes.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. docbuilder
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait DocumentBuilder extends AnyRef


    Any builder of a ("backing") document.

    Any builder of a ("backing") document. Typical document builders convert the document URI to a local URI, parse the document using that local URI, and after parsing store the original URI as document URI in the returned document. Some document builders are capable of parsing documents inside ZIP files.

    Document builders can be stacked, for example to perform some "post-processing". For example, some taxonomy documents may have a broken link in the schema location attribute, and such a post-processing step can fix that before the document is used to build a type-safe taxonomy DOM tree from it.

    Other "decorating" document builders can cache parsed documents, for example.

    Note that document builders backed by typical XML parsers are not thread-safe in the JVM!

    Note that this document builder abstraction is useful both in the JVM and in JavaScript runtimes.

  2. final case class SimpleCatalog(xmlBaseAttributeOption: Option[URI], uriRewrites: IndexedSeq[UriRewrite]) extends Product with Serializable


    Simple XML catalog, as used in XBRL taxonomy packages.

Value Members

  1. object DocumentBuilder

  2. object SimpleCatalog extends Serializable

  3. package indexed


    Document builders for native yaidom "indexed" BackingNodes.Elem implementation that can be used as underlying element implementation in the TQA taxonomy DOM.

    Document builders for native yaidom "indexed" BackingNodes.Elem implementation that can be used as underlying element implementation in the TQA taxonomy DOM. It is not very efficient, in particular in memory footprint.

  4. package jvm


    Support for document builders targeting the JVM.

  5. package saxon


    Document builders for a Saxon-based BackingNodes.Elem implementation that can be used as underlying element implementation in the TQA taxonomy DOM.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
