



package instance

Model of XBRL instances, as "yaidom dialect".

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. instance
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final class ArcroleRef extends XbrliElem with SimpleLink


    ArcroleRef in an XBRL instance

  2. sealed abstract class CanBeXbrliDocumentChild extends XbrliNode with CanBeDocumentChild

  3. sealed trait ChildXLink extends XbrliElem with XLinkElem with xlink.ChildXLink


    XLink child element of an extended link, so an XLink arc, locator or resource.

  4. final class Divide extends XbrliElem


    Divide in an XBRL instance unit

  5. final class EndDate extends XbrliElem


    End date in an XBRL instance context's period

  6. final class Entity extends XbrliElem


    Entity in an XBRL instance context

  7. final class ExplicitMember extends XbrliElem

  8. sealed trait ExtendedLink extends XbrliElem with XLinkLink with xlink.ExtendedLink


    XLink extended link.

    XLink extended link. For example, a footnote link.

  9. abstract class Fact extends XbrliElem


    Item or tuple fact in an XBRL instance, either top-level or nested (and either non-nil or nil)

  10. final class Footnote extends XbrliElem with XLinkResource


    Footnote in an XBRL instance

  11. final class FootnoteArc extends XbrliElem with XLinkArc


    FootnoteArc in an XBRL instance

  12. final class FootnoteLink extends XbrliElem with ExtendedLink


    FootnoteLink in an XBRL instance

  13. final class Forever extends XbrliElem


    Forver in an XBRL instance context's period

  14. final class ForeverPeriod extends Period


    Forever period in an XBRL instance context

  15. final class Identifier extends XbrliElem


    Identifier in an XBRL instance context entity

  16. final class Instant extends XbrliElem


    Instant in an XBRL instance context's period

  17. final class InstantPeriod extends Period


    Instant period in an XBRL instance context

  18. abstract class ItemFact extends Fact


    Item fact in an XBRL instance, either top-level or nested (and either non-nil or nil)

  19. sealed trait LabeledXLink extends XbrliElem with ChildXLink with xlink.LabeledXLink


    XLink locator or resource.

  20. final class LinkbaseRef extends XbrliElem with SimpleLink


    LinkbaseRef in an XBRL instance

  21. sealed trait MayContainDimensions extends XbrliElem

  22. final class NilNumericItemFact extends NumericItemFact


    Nil numeric item fact in an XBRL instance, either top-level or nested

  23. final class NonNilFractionItemFact extends NumericItemFact


    Non-nil fraction item fact in an XBRL instance, either top-level or nested

  24. final class NonNilNonFractionNumericItemFact extends NumericItemFact


    Non-nil non-fraction numeric item fact in an XBRL instance, either top-level or nested

  25. final class NonNumericItemFact extends ItemFact


    Non-numeric item fact in an XBRL instance, either top-level or nested (and either non-nil or nil)

  26. abstract class NumericItemFact extends ItemFact


    Numeric item fact in an XBRL instance, either top-level or nested (and either non-nil or nil)

  27. final class OtherXbrliElem extends XbrliElem


    Other element in an XBRL instance

  28. abstract class Period extends XbrliElem


    Period in an XBRL instance context

  29. final class RoleRef extends XbrliElem with SimpleLink


    RoleRef in an XBRL instance

  30. final class Scenario extends XbrliElem with MayContainDimensions


    Scenario in an XBRL instance context

  31. final class SchemaRef extends XbrliElem with SimpleLink


    SchemaRef in an XBRL instance

  32. final class Segment extends XbrliElem with MayContainDimensions


    Segment in an XBRL instance context entity

  33. sealed trait SimpleLink extends XbrliElem with XLinkLink with xlink.SimpleLink


    XLink simple link.

  34. final class StandardLoc extends XbrliElem with XLinkLocator


    Standard locator in an XBRL instance

  35. final class StartDate extends XbrliElem


    Start date in an XBRL instance context's period

  36. final class StartEndDatePeriod extends Period


    Start-end-date period in an XBRL instance context

  37. final class TupleFact extends Fact


    Tuple fact in an XBRL instance, either top-level or nested (and either non-nil or nil)

  38. final class TypedMember extends XbrliElem

  39. sealed trait XLinkArc extends XbrliElem with ChildXLink with xlink.XLinkArc


    XLink arc.

    XLink arc.

    The xlink:from and xlink:to attributes point to XLink locators or resources in the same extended link with the corresponding xlink:label attributes.

  40. sealed trait XLinkElem extends XbrliElem with xlink.XLinkElem


    An XLink element in an XBRL instances, obeying the constraints on XLink imposed by XBRL.

    An XLink element in an XBRL instances, obeying the constraints on XLink imposed by XBRL. For example, an XLink arc or extended link.

    XLink (see is a somewhat low level standard on top of XML, but it is very important in an XBRL context (but more so in taxonomies than in instances). Some instance elements are also XLink elements.

  41. sealed trait XLinkLink extends XbrliElem with XLinkElem with xlink.XLinkLink


    Simple or extended XLink link.

  42. sealed trait XLinkLocator extends XbrliElem with LabeledXLink with xlink.XLinkLocator


    XLink locator.

  43. sealed trait XLinkResource extends XbrliElem with LabeledXLink with xlink.XLinkResource


    XLink resource.

  44. final class XbrlInstance extends XbrliElem


    XBRL instance.

    XBRL instance.

    It does not check validity of the XBRL instance. Neither does it know about the DTS describing the XBRL instance. It does, however, contain the entry point URI(s) to the DTS.

    Without any knowledge about the DTS, this class only recognizes (item and tuple) facts by looking at the structure of the element and its ancestry. Attribute @contextRef is only allowed for item facts, and tuple facts can be recognized by looking at the "path" of the element.

  45. final class XbrlInstanceDocument extends DocumentApi


    "XBRL instance DOM document".

  46. final case class XbrliCommentNode(text: String) extends CanBeXbrliDocumentChild with Comment with Product with Serializable

  47. final class XbrliContext extends XbrliElem


    Context in an XBRL instance

  48. sealed abstract class XbrliElem extends CanBeXbrliDocumentChild with Elem with ScopedElemLike with SubtypeAwareElemLike


    XML element inside XBRL instance (or the entire XBRL instance itself).

    XML element inside XBRL instance (or the entire XBRL instance itself). This API is immutable, provided the backing element is immutable.

    The yaidom SubtypeAwareElemApi and ScopedElemApi query API is offered.

    Also note that the package-private constructor contains redundant data, in order to speed up (yaidom-based) querying, at the expense of (expensive recursive element) creation.

    These XBRL instance elements are just an XBRL instance view on the underlying "backing element" tree, and therefore do not know about the taxonomy describing the XBRL instance (other than the href to the DTS entry point). It is not even required that the XBRL instance is schema-valid. Construction of an instance is indeed quite lenient.

    As a consequence, this model must recognize facts by only looking at the elements and their ancestry, without knowing anything about the substitution groups of the corresponding concept declarations. Fortunately, the XBRL instance schema (xbrl-instance-2003-12-31.xsd) and the specification of allowed XBRL tuple content are (almost) restrictive enough in order to recognize facts.

    It is even possible to easily distinguish between item facts and tuple facts, based on the presence or absence of the contextRef attribute. There is one complication, though, and that is nil item and tuple facts. Unfortunately, concept declarations in taxonomy schemas may have the nillable attribute set to true. This led to some clutter in the inheritance hierarchy for numeric item facts.

    Hence, regarding nil facts, the user of the API is responsible for keeping in mind that facts can indeed be nil facts (which facts are easy to filter away).

    Another limitation is that without the taxonomy, default dimensions are unknown. Finally, the lack of typing information is a limitation.

    Note that the backing element implementation can be any implementation of yaidom query API trait BackingNodes.Elem.

    This class hierarchy depends on Java 8 or later, due to the use of Java 8 time API.

    Creation of XbrliElem objects is designed not to fail, even if the XML element is not an XBRL instance or part thereof. Of course, after creation many query methods may fail in such cases. It is also possible to use these data classes for XBRL instances embedded in other XML elements, or only for parts of XBRL instances. As an example of the latter, table layout models may contain pieces of XBRL context data, such as periods. Their parent elements can be parsed into an XbrliElem, thus offering the XBRL instance query API on such XBRL context data.

  49. sealed abstract class XbrliNode extends Node


    "XBRL instance DOM node".

  50. final case class XbrliProcessingInstructionNode(target: String, data: String) extends CanBeXbrliDocumentChild with ProcessingInstruction with Product with Serializable

  51. final case class XbrliTextNode(text: String) extends XbrliNode with Text with Product with Serializable

  52. final class XbrliUnit extends XbrliElem


    Unit in an XBRL instance

Value Members

  1. object Fact

  2. object ItemFact

  3. object Period

  4. object TupleFact

  5. object XbrlInstance

  6. object XbrlInstanceDocument

  7. object XbrliElem


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
