
Primary item declaration. It must be in the xbrli:item substitution group but neither in the xbrldt:hypercubeItem nor in the xbrldt:dimensionItem substitution groups.

Primary item declaration. It must be in the xbrli:item substitution group but neither in the xbrldt:hypercubeItem nor in the xbrldt:dimensionItem substitution groups.

A primary item may be used as explicit dimension member.

Note that in the Dimensions specification, primary item declarations and domain-member declarations have exactly the same definition! Although in a taxonomy the dimensional relationships make clear whether an item plays the role of primary item or of domain-member, here we call each such item declaration a primary item declaration.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

final override def equals(other: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
Inherited from
final override def hashCode: Int
Definition Classes
Inherited from
final def isAbstract: Boolean
Inherited from
final def isConcrete: Boolean
Inherited from
Inherited from
final def substitutionGroupOption: Option[EName]
Inherited from
final def targetEName: EName
Inherited from