
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

Concrete methods

Overridable method returning the effective target BaseSetKey, which is the same BaseSetKey for non-dimensional relationships, but respects the rules concerning consecutive relationships for dimensional relationships. This method is used by method followedBy.

Overridable method returning the effective target BaseSetKey, which is the same BaseSetKey for non-dimensional relationships, but respects the rules concerning consecutive relationships for dimensional relationships. This method is used by method followedBy.

def effectiveTargetRole: String

Overridable method returning the effective target role, which is the ELR for non-dimensional relationships, but respects the target role attribute for dimensional relationships.

Overridable method returning the effective target role, which is the ELR for non-dimensional relationships, but respects the target role attribute for dimensional relationships.

final def genericPreferredLabelOption: Option[String]

Returns the optional gpl:preferredLabel attribute on the underlying arc.

Returns the optional gpl:preferredLabel attribute on the underlying arc.

For non-dimensional relationships, returns true if the target concept of this relationship matches the source concept of the parameter relationship and both relationships are in the same base set.

For non-dimensional relationships, returns true if the target concept of this relationship matches the source concept of the parameter relationship and both relationships are in the same base set.

For dimensional relationships, returns true if this and the parameter relationship form a pair of consecutive relationships.

For non-standard inter-element-declaration relationships, false is returned.

This method does not check for the target relationship type, although for non-dimensional inter-concept relationships the relationship type remains the same, and for dimensional relationships the target relationship type is as expected for consecutive relationships.

final def sourceElementTargetEName: EName
final def targetConceptEName: EName
final def targetElementTargetEName: EName

Inherited methods

def arcrole: String

The arcrole of the underlying arc in the original XML representation. The arcrole gives semantics to the relationship. Equals baseSetKey.arcrole.

The arcrole of the underlying arc in the original XML representation. The arcrole gives semantics to the relationship. Equals baseSetKey.arcrole.

Inherited from

The base set key, which consists of arcrole, arc name, (parent) linkrole and (parent) link name.

The base set key, which consists of arcrole, arc name, (parent) linkrole and (parent) link name.

Inherited from
def elr: String

The extended link role of the parent extended link, in the XML representation. Equals baseSetKey.extLinkRole.

The extended link role of the parent extended link, in the XML representation. Equals baseSetKey.extLinkRole.

Inherited from
def nonXLinkArcAttributes: Map[EName, String]

The attributes of the underlying arc, excluding XLink attributes.

The attributes of the underlying arc, excluding XLink attributes.

Inherited from
final def order: BigDecimal
Inherited from
final def priority: Int
Inherited from
final def sourceConceptEName: EName
Inherited from
final def use: Use
Inherited from