
Type members


final class SimpleTaxonomyCreator(val startTaxonomy: BasicTaxonomy)

Simple taxonomy creation utility, useful for quickly creating ad-hoc test taxonomies. It does not start from scratch, but expects complete taxonomy schemas and linkbases with empty extended links as starting point. The functions in this utility then help further fill those linkbases. This utility certainly does not add documents to the taxonomy; it only adds XLink content to already existing (almost empty) linkbase documents.

Simple taxonomy creation utility, useful for quickly creating ad-hoc test taxonomies. It does not start from scratch, but expects complete taxonomy schemas and linkbases with empty extended links as starting point. The functions in this utility then help further fill those linkbases. This utility certainly does not add documents to the taxonomy; it only adds XLink content to already existing (almost empty) linkbase documents.


Chris de Vreeze
