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AbstractColumnFilter - Class in csv.impl
Filters columns from underlying table reader.
AbstractColumnFilter(TableReader) - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
AbstractRowFilter - Class in csv.impl
Filters rows from underlying table reader.
AbstractRowFilter(TableReader) - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
AbstractStreamTableReader - Class in csv.impl
An abstract implementation of TableReader.
AbstractStreamTableReader() - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Default Constructor.
AbstractStreamTableReader(File) - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Creates a new instance of Reader.
AbstractStreamTableReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
The constructor for a given input stream.
AbstractStreamTableReader(String) - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Creates a new instance of Reader.
AbstractStreamTableWriter - Class in csv.impl
An abstract implementation of TableWriter.
AbstractStreamTableWriter() - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Default Constructor.
AbstractStreamTableWriter(File) - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Create a new instance from a file object.
AbstractStreamTableWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Create a new instance from an existing OutputStream.
AbstractStreamTableWriter(String) - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Create a new instance froma file name.
AbstractTableReader - Class in csv.impl
Abstract implementation that shall be suitable for most implementations.
AbstractTableReader() - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Default Constructor.
AbstractTableWriter - Class in csv.impl
Abstract implementation of writer interface.
AbstractTableWriter() - Constructor for class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
addCommentCallBack(CommentCallback) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
addGetter(Class<T>, String) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Adds a getter method to the methods being used for retrieveing column values.
addGetter(String, Method) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Adds a getter method to the methods being used for retrieveing column values.
applyStyle(CellStyle) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Applies the style to the cell.


BeanReader<T> - Class in csv.util
Reads beans from the underlying table stream.
BeanReader(TableReader) - Constructor for class csv.util.BeanReader
BeanReader(TableReader, String[]) - Constructor for class csv.util.BeanReader
BeanReader(Class<T>, TableReader) - Constructor for class csv.util.BeanReader
BeanReader(Class<T>, TableReader, boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class csv.util.BeanReader
Internal Constructor.
BeanReader(Class<T>, TableReader, String[]) - Constructor for class csv.util.BeanReader
BeanWriter<T> - Class in csv.util
Writes beans to an underlying table writer.
BeanWriter(TableWriter, boolean) - Constructor for class csv.util.BeanWriter
BooleanConversionHandler - Class in csv.impl.type
Conversion Handler for boolean.
BooleanConversionHandler() - Constructor for class csv.impl.type.BooleanConversionHandler
ByteConversionHandler - Class in csv.impl.type
Conversion Handler for byte.
ByteConversionHandler() - Constructor for class csv.impl.type.ByteConversionHandler


CharConversionHandler - Class in csv.impl.type
Conversion Handler for char.
CharConversionHandler() - Constructor for class csv.impl.type.CharConversionHandler
close() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Closes the underlying reader.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Closes the reader.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Closes the reader and its underlying stream.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Closes the writer and its underlying streams.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Does nothing
close() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Closes the writer.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Closes the underlying stream.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Closes the underlying stream.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Closes the writer and writes the Excel to the underlying stream.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Closes the writer by printing the footer of the table.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Closes the reader.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Closes the stream.
close() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Prints the closing of the XML file before closing the stream.
close() - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Closes the reader.
close() - Method in interface csv.TableWriter
Closes the writer.
close() - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Closes the reader.
close() - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Closes the underlying writer.
columnNeedsDelimiting(String) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Decides if a column value needs to be wrapped with delimiters.
comment(TableReader, String, int, int) - Method in interface csv.CommentCallback
Informs about a comment appeared in underlying stream.
CommentCallback - Interface in csv
Will be called when a commen is discovered in an input stream
computeMaxColumnCount() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Computes the max row length of any rows in this sheet.
convert(int, String) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Converts the string back to correct object.
convert(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Converts the value to its string representation.
convert(String, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Converts the value to its string representation.
convert(String, String) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Converts the string back to correct object.
convertArray(Object[], int) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Returns an array from the columns.
convertArray(String[]) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Returns an array from the columns.
convertArray(List<String>) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Returns an array from the columns.
convertList(List<?>, int) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Trims array to correct length of minimum column count.
convertToBean(Object[]) - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Constructs new bean from values in array.
convertToColumns(T) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Converts the given bean to an object array.
copy(TableReader, TableWriter) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Copies content from one reader to another writer without header row.
copy(TableReader, TableWriter, boolean) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Copies content from one reader to another writer.
copy(Object[][], TableWriter) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Copies the arrays from the iterator to the stream.
copy(ResultSet, TableWriter, boolean) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
copy(Collection<? extends Object[]>, TableWriter) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Copies the arrays from the collection to the stream.
copy(Iterator<? extends Object[]>, TableWriter) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Copies the arrays from the iterator to the stream.
copy(JTable, TableWriter, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
copyBeans(Collection<T>, TableWriter) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Copies the beans from the collection to the stream.
copyBeans(Iterator<T>, TableWriter) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Copies the beans from the collection to the stream.
copyBeans(T[], TableWriter) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Copies the beans from the array to the stream.
copyHeader(ResultSet, TableWriter) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Copies the header of the JDBC result set into the table writer.
copyTableHeader(JTableHeader, TableWriter) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Copies the table header into the table writer.
createAttributeList(Class<T>) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Creates the attribute list by introspection.
createAttributeList(Class<T>, String[]) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Creates the attribute list from given list.
createAttributeList(Class<T>, List<String>) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Creates the attribute list from given list.
createInputStreamReader(InputStream) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Creates the input stream reader that feeds the buffered reader.
createOutputStreamWriter(OutputStream) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Creates the stream writer for the printer.
createReader() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Creates the buffered reader.
createSheet() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Creates a new sheet for the workbook.
createSheet(int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Creates a new sheet for the workbook at specified index.
createSheet(int, String) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Creates a new sheet for the workbook at specified index.
createWriter() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Creates the print writer for the output.
csv - package csv
Provides basic classes for reading and writing table-like data.
CSV_INFO - Static variable in class csv.MimeTypeInfo
The default information for CSV files.
csv.impl - package csv.impl
Provides implementation classes for reading various kind of streams as well as producing such.
csv.impl.type - package csv.impl.type
Provides basic classes for conversion of strings to objects and vice versa.
csv.util - package csv.util
Some utility classes for copying tables to each other and wrapper classes that ease reading and writing objects.
CsvException - Exception in csv
Exception that reports a reader/writer problem.
CsvException() - Constructor for exception csv.CsvException
CsvException(String) - Constructor for exception csv.CsvException
CsvException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception csv.CsvException
CsvException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception csv.CsvException
CsvException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception csv.CsvException
CSVFactory - Class in csv
This factory returns correct reader and writer implementations for given files.
CSVFactory() - Constructor for class csv.CSVFactory
Creates the factory and initializes.
CSVReader - Class in csv.impl
Reads from CSV like streams.
CSVReader() - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVReader
Default constructor.
CSVReader(File) - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVReader
Creates a new instance of CSVReader.
CSVReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVReader
Creates a new instance of CSVReader.
CSVReader(Reader) - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVReader
CSVReader(String) - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVReader
Creates a new instance of CSVReader.
CSVUtils - Class in csv.util
Various methods for working with TableReader and TableWriter.
CSVUtils() - Constructor for class csv.util.CSVUtils
CSVWriter - Class in csv.impl
Implements functionality for writing CSV streams.
CSVWriter() - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Default constructor.
CSVWriter(File) - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Constructor for writing into a file.
CSVWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Constructor for writing into a stream.
CSVWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVWriter
CSVWriter(Writer, boolean) - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVWriter
CSVWriter(String) - Constructor for class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Constructor for writing into a file.


DateConversionHandler - Class in csv.impl.type
A conversion handler for dates.
DateConversionHandler() - Constructor for class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
debug(int, String[]) - Static method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Debugs a string array at standard output stream.
DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
date format " hh:mm"
DEFAULT_DESC - Static variable in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR - Static variable in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Color Black
DEFAULT_FONT_NAME - Static variable in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Arial font name
DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE - Static variable in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Font Size 10
DEFAULT_INTEGER_FORMAT - Static variable in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
integer format "0"
DEFAULT_REAL_FORMAT - Static variable in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
real format "0.00"
DEFAULT_TABLE_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
DEFAULT_TBODY_TD_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
DEFAULT_TBODY_TD_TEMPLATE2 - Static variable in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
DEFAULT_TBODY_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
DEFAULT_TBODY_TR_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
DEFAULT_TBODY_TR_TEMPLATE2 - Static variable in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
DEFAULT_THEAD_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
DEFAULT_THEAD_TH_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
DEFAULT_THEAD_TH_TEMPLATE2 - Static variable in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
DEFAULT_THEAD_TR_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
DefaultColumnFilter - Class in csv.impl
Implements a filter based on a given index array.
DefaultColumnFilter(TableReader, int[]) - Constructor for class csv.impl.DefaultColumnFilter
Default Constructor
DefaultExcelFormatter - Class in csv.impl
Default implementation of an ExcelFormatter.
DefaultExcelFormatter() - Constructor for class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Default constructor.
DefaultExcelFormatter(boolean) - Constructor for class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Constructor for defining the emphasizing of header rows.
DefaultExcelFormatter(boolean, String, Short, Short, Short) - Constructor for class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Constructor for defining the various properties.
DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription - Class in csv.impl
Describes a style for a cell.
deliverComments() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Handles all comments that were registered for current row.
deliverComments(int) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Handles all comments that were registered for current row.
DoubleConversionHandler - Class in csv.impl.type
Conversion Handler for double.
DoubleConversionHandler() - Constructor for class csv.impl.type.DoubleConversionHandler


encode(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Encodes the object for usage in XML file.
encodeHtml(String) - Static method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Makes HTML encoding for the string.
END_OF_FILE_INDEX - Static variable in class csv.impl.XmlReader
equals(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
evaluateCellValue(Cell) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns the evaluated cell content.
EXCEL_INFO - Static variable in class csv.MimeTypeInfo
The default information for Excel files.
ExcelFormatter - Interface in csv.impl
Interface for formatting Excel sheets
ExcelListener - Interface in csv.impl
Notifies about Excel based events.
ExcelReader - Class in csv.impl
Implements Excel reading.
ExcelReader() - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Default constructor.
ExcelReader(File) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Constructor for reading from a file.
ExcelReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Constructor to read from an existing stream.
ExcelReader(String) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Constructor for reading from a file.
ExcelReader(Workbook) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Constructor to read from an existing workbook.
ExcelWriter - Class in csv.impl
Provides ability to write Excel files.
ExcelWriter() - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Default constructor.
ExcelWriter(File) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Constructor for writing into a file.
ExcelWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Constructor with defined output stream.
ExcelWriter(String) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Constructor for writing into a file.
ExcelWriter(Workbook) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Constructor with existing workbook.
ExcelWriter(Workbook, File) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Constructor with existing workbook that needs to be written to a file.
ExcelWriter(Workbook, OutputStream) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Constructor with existing workbook and defined output stream.
ExcelWriter(Workbook, String) - Constructor for class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Constructor with existing workbook that needs to be written to a file.
extendArray(Object[], int) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Trims array to correct length of minimum column count.
extendArray(String[], int) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Trims array to correct length of minimum column count.


filter(Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Filters columns within a row.
finalize(ExcelWriter, int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Finalizes the workbook.
finalize(ExcelWriter, int, int) - Method in interface csv.impl.ExcelFormatter
Finalizes the workbook.
findNextRow() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Read from underlying reader until there is a row not filtered away.
FloatConversionHandler - Class in csv.impl.type
Conversion Handler for float.
FloatConversionHandler() - Constructor for class csv.impl.type.FloatConversionHandler


get(String, Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Forwarded to underlying reader.
get(String, Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Forwarded to underlying reader.
get(String, Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Returns the value in column with specified name.
getAlign(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the alignment to be used.
getAlignment() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the alignment.
getAttribute(int, T) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Returns the value for given bean at given column index.
getAttribute(Method, T) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Returns the attribute value for given bean.
getAttribute(String, T) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Returns the attribute value for given bean.
getAttributeName(int) - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Returns the attribute name of specified column
getAttributeName(Method) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Returns the attribute name derived from method name
getAttributes() - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Returns the attributes that will be used for each column index.
getBackgroundColor(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the background color for the specified cell.
getBgColor() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the background color.
getBoldFont(Workbook, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the bold font used for header rows.
getBottomBorderColor() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the color of the bottom border.
getBottomBorderColor(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
getBottomBorderThickness() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the thickness of the bottom border.
getBottomBorderThickness(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
getCharsetDecoder() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Returns the charset decoder to be used.
getCharsetEncoder() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Returns the encoder being used for the output.
getColumnCount() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Returns the columns written to the stream.
getColumnCount() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Returns the number of columns the result set returns.
getColumnDelimiter() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Returns the column delimiter to be used.
getColumnDelimiter() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Returns the column delimiter to be used.
getColumnEndTag(int) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns column's closing tag
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Returns the column index of given column name.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Returns the column index of given column name.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Returns the column index of given column name.
getColumnIndex(String) - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Returns the column index of given column name.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns the column name at given index.
getColumnNameAttribute() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Returns the attribute name of column tag that will contain the attribute name.
getColumnNameAttribute() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns the name of the attribute within column tag that contains the column name.
getColumnSeparator() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Returns the column separator to be used.
getColumnSeparator() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Returns the column separator to be used.
getColumnStartTag(int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns the complete start tag for the column.
getColumnTagAttributes(int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns all attributes that need to be set for a column opening tag.
getColumnTagName() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Returns the column tag name.
getColumnTagName() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns the name of the column tag.
getColumnTagName(int) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns correct column name.
getColumnType(int) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Returns the type of a column.
getColumnType(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns the type of the value to be set as attribute in column opening tag.
getColumnTypeAttribute() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Returns the attribute name of column tag that contains the type of value.
getColumnTypeAttribute() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns the name of the attribute in the column tag that contains the Java type of the value.
getCommentChar() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Returns the character used for indicating comments
getCommentChars() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Returns the characters that will be regarded as comment starters in first position of a line.
getCurrentRowIndex() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the current data row index.
getDateFormat(int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the default format for dates.
getDateFormat(ExcelWriter, String) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the ID of the format or creates a new one if required.
getDefaultBoldFont(Workbook) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the default bold font.
getDefaultCharset() - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Returns the CSVUtils.defaultCharset.
getDefaultColumnName(int) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Creates a default name for the column.
getDefaultFontColor() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the font color to be used in non-hyperlink cells.
getDefaultFontName() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the font name to be used.
getDefaultFontSize() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the font size to be used.
getDefaultHyperlinkColor() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the font color to be used for hyperlinks.
getDefaultHyperlinkFont(Workbook) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the font to be used for hyperlinks.
getDefaultPlainFont(Workbook) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the default font used for normal cells.
getEncoding() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns the encoding string for XML header.
getFactory() - Static method in class csv.CSVFactory
Returns the factory for rading/writing tables.
getFgColor() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the foreground color.
getFillPattern() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the fill pattern.
getFillPattern(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the fill pattern for the background.
getFilteredIndex(int) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Returns the index in filtered row of the specified original column index.
getFilteredIndex(int) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultColumnFilter
Returns the index in filtered row of the specified original column index.
getFont() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the text font.
getFont(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the correct font for the cell.
getFooter(String) - Static method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the footer part of the given template
getForegroundColor(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the foreground color for the specified cell.
getFormat() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the format.
getFormat(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the display format.
getFormatter() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Returns the formatter set for this ExcelWriter.
getFormulaEvaluator() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns a formula evaluator for the current workbook.
getHeader(String) - Static method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the header part of the given template
getHeaderColumns() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns the header column names.
getHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Returns the header row.
getHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Returns the header row.
getHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Returns the header row.
getHeaderRow() - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Returns the header row.
getHyperlink(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns a hyperlink object when the given cell shall be linked.
getHyperlinkFont(Workbook, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the font to be used for hyperlinks.
getInputStream() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Returns the underlying input stream.
getIntegerFormat(int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the default format for shorts, integers and longs.
getIntegerFormat(ExcelWriter, String) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the ID of the format or creates a new one if required.
getLastExcelRow() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns the last delivered row.
getLeftBorderColor() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the color of the left border.
getLeftBorderColor(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
getLeftBorderThickness() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the thickness of the left border.
getLeftBorderThickness(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
getLineCount() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Line count reflects the lines in an input file.
getMethod(String) - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Returns the correct setter method object for the given attribute.
getMethodName(String) - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
This implementation returns the name of setter method for the given attribute
getMimeType(File) - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Returns the MIME type for the given file.
getMimeTypeReader(String) - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Returns a reader for the given MIME type.
getMimeTypes() - Method in class csv.MimeTypeInfo
Returns the MIME types that this object provides information for.
getMimeTypeWriter(String) - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Returns a writer for the given MIME type.
getMinimumColumnCount() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Returns the minimum number of columns to be returned by
getMinimumColumnCount() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Returns the minimum number of columns to be returned by
getMinimumColumnCount() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
getMinimumColumnCount() - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Returns the minimum number of columns to be returned by
getOrCreateCell(int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Returns an existing cell or creates one.
getOrCreateCell(Row, int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Returns an existing cell or creates one.
getOrCreateRow(int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Ensures that the sheet contains a row at the given index.
getOrCreateRow(int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Returns an existing row or creates one.
getOutputStream() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Returns the underlying output stream
getParsingFormats() - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Returns the formats that will be used.
getParsingFormatters() - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Returns the date formatters created from our date formatters.
getParsingFormatters(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Returns date formatters that fit the given string.
getPlainFont(Workbook, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the default font used for normal cells.
getPrintFormat() - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Returns the printing format.
getPrintFormatter() - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Returns the print formatter created from the print format.
getRawRowIndex() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Returns the row index from the underlying reader (raw row index)
getReader() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Returns the underlying reader.
getReader() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Returns the underlying reader.
getReader() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Returns the underlying reader.
getReader() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Returns the underlying reader.
getReader(File) - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Returns the correct reader for the given file.
getReader(String) - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Returns the correct reader for the given file.
getReaderClass() - Method in class csv.MimeTypeInfo
Returns the responsible reader class.
getRealFormat(int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the default format for real and float numbers.
getRealFormat(ExcelWriter, String) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the ID of the format or creates a new one if required.
getResultSet() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Returns the JDBC result set of this reader.
getRightBorderColor() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the color of the right border.
getRightBorderColor(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
getRightBorderThickness() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the thickness of the right border.
getRightBorderThickness(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
getRowCount() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Returns the row count.
getRowCount() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Returns the rows written.
getRowIndex() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Returns the index of current row (delivered rows only)
getRowIndex() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Returns the index of current row (delivered rows only)
getRowSeparator() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Returns the row separator to be used.
getRowTagName() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Returns the row tag name.
getRowTagName() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns the name of the row tag.
getSheet() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns the current sheet.
getSheet() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Returns the current sheet or creates a fresh one.
getTable() - Method in class csv.impl.JTableReader
Returns the table.
getTableTemplate() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the main table template.
getTbodyTdTemplate() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the data cell template for even columns.
getTbodyTdTemplate2() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the data cell template for odd columns.
getTbodyTemplate() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the table body template.
getTbodyTrTemplate() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the row template for even data rows.
getTbodyTrTemplate2() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the row template for odd data rows.
getTheadTemplate() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the header template.
getTheadThTemplate() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the header cell template for even columns.
getTheadThTemplate2() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the header cell template for odd columns.
getTheadTrTemplate() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns the header row template.
getTimezone() - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Returns the timezone this handler uses.
getTopBorderColor() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the color of the top border.
getTopBorderColor(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
getTopBorderThickness() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns the thickness of the top border.
getTopBorderThickness(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
getTopLevelTagName() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns the XML root tag name.
getTypeConversionHandler(String) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Returns a type conversion handler for the given type.
getTypeConversionHandler(String) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Returns a type conversion handler for the given type.
getTypes() - Method in class csv.impl.type.BooleanConversionHandler
getTypes() - Method in class csv.impl.type.ByteConversionHandler
getTypes() - Method in class csv.impl.type.CharConversionHandler
getTypes() - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Returns th type java.util.Date.
getTypes() - Method in class csv.impl.type.DoubleConversionHandler
getTypes() - Method in class csv.impl.type.FloatConversionHandler
getTypes() - Method in class csv.impl.type.IntegerConversionHandler
getTypes() - Method in class csv.impl.type.LongConversionHandler
getTypes() - Method in class csv.impl.type.ShortConversionHandler
getTypes() - Method in interface csv.TypeConversionHandler
Returns the types that this handler is responsible for.
getValue(int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns the value of the specified cell.
getValue(Cell) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns the value of the specified cell.
getValue(Row, int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns the value of the specified cell.
getValues(int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns the row at the given index.
getValues(Row) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns the row as Java objects.
getWorkbook() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns the workbook.
getWorkbook() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Returns the workbook or creates a fresh one.
getWriter() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Returns a writer object for convinience.
getWriter() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Returns the underlying stream.
getWriter() - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Returns the current writer.
getWriter(File) - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Returns the correct reader for the given file.
getWriter(String) - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Returns the correct reader for the given file.
getWriterClass() - Method in class csv.MimeTypeInfo
Returns the responsible writer class.


hashCode() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
hasHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Tells whether the underlying stream has a header row or not
hasHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Tells whether the underlying stream has a header row or not
hasHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Tells whether the underlying stream has a header row or not
hasHeaderRow() - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Tells whether the underlying stream has a header row or not
hasNext() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
hasNext() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
hasNext() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Returns true if there is another CSV row to be read.
hasNext() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns whether there is a row to be read in the current sheet.
hasNext() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Returns true if there are more rows to be delivered.
hasNext() - Method in class csv.impl.JTableReader
Returns true if there are more rows to be delivered.
hasNext() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Returns true if there are more rows.
hasNext() - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Returns true when there are more beans to be returned.
HtmlWriter - Class in csv.impl
Provides implementation for writing HTML table.
HtmlWriter() - Constructor for class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Default Constructor.
HtmlWriter(File) - Constructor for class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
HtmlWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
HtmlWriter(String) - Constructor for class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
HYPERLINK_FONT_COLOR - Static variable in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Color Blue


incrementLineCount() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Increases the line count.
incrementRowCount() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Increments the row Count.
incrementRowCount() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Increments the row count.
IndexRowFilter - Class in csv.impl
Implements a row filter based on row indices.
IndexRowFilter(TableReader, int[]) - Constructor for class csv.impl.IndexRowFilter
init() - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Initializes the factory.
init() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
General initialization.
init() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Initializes the writer.
init() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
init() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
init() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Initializes the writer.
initParser() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Initializes the XML parser thread.
initReaderMap() - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Initializes the reader map.
initWriterMap() - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Initializes the writer map.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class csv.impl.type.BooleanConversionHandler
INSTANCE - Static variable in class csv.impl.type.ByteConversionHandler
INSTANCE - Static variable in class csv.impl.type.CharConversionHandler
INSTANCE - Static variable in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
INSTANCE - Static variable in class csv.impl.type.DoubleConversionHandler
INSTANCE - Static variable in class csv.impl.type.FloatConversionHandler
INSTANCE - Static variable in class csv.impl.type.IntegerConversionHandler
INSTANCE - Static variable in class csv.impl.type.LongConversionHandler
INSTANCE - Static variable in class csv.impl.type.ShortConversionHandler
IntegerConversionHandler - Class in csv.impl.type
Conversion Handler for int.
IntegerConversionHandler() - Constructor for class csv.impl.type.IntegerConversionHandler
isCloseResultSet() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Returns true if a call to JdbcReader.close() will also close the result set.
isColumnDelimiterRequired() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Returns whether column delimiters are always required.
isCommentChar(char) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Checks whether given character is a comment character
isDefault() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
isDelimiter(char) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Checks if character is a delimiter character.
isEmphasizeFirstRow() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Returns the setting of emphasizing the header row.
isEvaluateFormulas() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns whether formulas shall be evaluated or not (default is true).
isEvaluateHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Returns true if attribute names will be evaluated from header row.
isHasHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns true if this writer will create a header row.
isHeaderRowRead() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
isIgnoreComments() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Returns whether comment lines will be ignored.
isIgnoreEmptyLines() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Returns whether empty lines in a stream will be ignored.
isLineSeparator(char) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Checks if character is a line separator.
isMoreRowsExpected() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Tells whether more rows will be expected after current row.
isMoreRowsExpected() - Method in class csv.impl.IndexRowFilter
This method returns false when all valid rows were delivered.
isSelectedOnly() - Method in class csv.impl.JTableReader
Returns the selectedOnly.
isSeparator(char) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Returns true if character is a separator char.
isSkipBlankRows() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns whether blank rows will be skipped or not while reading.
isSpace(char) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Returns true if character is a space char.
isTableHeaderWritten() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Returns whether the table header (table tag) was written.
isTextWrap() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Returns whether text is wrapped in cell.
isTextWrap(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
isUseColumnNameTags() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Returns whether column names will be used as column tag names.
isUseColumnNameTags() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns whether column tag names will be equal to column names.
isValidGetterMethod(Method) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Returns true if method conforms to JavaBean style of a Getter.
isValidRow(Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Tells whether the row can be delivered or will be filtered away.
isValidRow(Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.IndexRowFilter
Filters rows according to raw row index.
isValidSetterMethod(Method) - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Returns true if method conforms to JavaBean style of a Setter.
isWriteHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Returns true when the first row being written contains the column names.
isWriteHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Returns true when a header row with attribute names shall be written.
iterator() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
iterator() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
iterator() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader


JdbcReader - Class in csv.impl
Implements a table reader to read JDBC ResultSet rows.
JdbcReader(ResultSet) - Constructor for class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Default constructor.
JdbcReader(Statement) - Constructor for class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Default constructor.
JTableReader - Class in csv.impl
Reader for Swing's JTable.
JTableReader(JTable) - Constructor for class csv.impl.JTableReader
Constructor with header row and selected rows only.
JTableReader(JTable, boolean) - Constructor for class csv.impl.JTableReader


LongConversionHandler - Class in csv.impl.type
Conversion Handler for long.
LongConversionHandler() - Constructor for class csv.impl.type.LongConversionHandler


matches(String, String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
MimeTypeInfo - Class in csv
Contains information about what reader and writer classes are responsible for a specific MIME type.
MimeTypeInfo(String[], Class<? extends AbstractStreamTableReader>, Class<? extends AbstractStreamTableWriter>) - Constructor for class csv.MimeTypeInfo
MimeTypeInfo(String, Class<? extends AbstractStreamTableReader>, Class<? extends AbstractStreamTableWriter>) - Constructor for class csv.MimeTypeInfo


next() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
next() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
next() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Returns next row.
next() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Returns the next row.
next() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Returns the next row.
next() - Method in class csv.impl.JTableReader
Returns the next row.
next() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Returns the next row.
next() - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Returns the next bean from the table reader.
notifyComment(String, int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Notifies all comment callbacks about a comment.
notifyExcelListeners(Row) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Notifies all Excel Listeners about the new row.


open() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Opens the reader or resets it.
open() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Opens the reader or resets it.
open() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Opens the CSV reader.
open() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Opens the stream by retrieving the workbook and selecting the first sheet.
open() - Method in class csv.impl.IndexRowFilter
open() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Opens the reader.
open() - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Opens the reader or resets it.


prepareColumnValue(String) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Replaces all occurrences of the delimiter by doubling it.
prepareComment(String) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Formats a comment for printing
prepareRow(Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Formats a row for CSV output.
printColumnContent(Object, int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the value of this object only without any enclosing tags.
printComment(String) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Prints a comment into the output stream.
printComment(String) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Prints a comment into the CSV stream.
printComment(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Prints the comment into the stream.
printComment(String) - Method in interface csv.TableWriter
Prints a comment into the stream.
printComment(String, int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Prints a comment into the output stream.
printComment(String, int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Prints a comment into the stream.
printComment(String, int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Prints a comment into the output stream.
printComment(String, int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Prints the comment at the given location.
printComment(String, int, int) - Method in interface csv.TableWriter
Prints a comment into the stream.
printDataRow(Object[], int) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints a data row to the underlying stream
printFooter() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Prints the footer.
printHeader() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Prints the header.
printHeaderRow(Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the header row into the stream.
printRow(Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Prints a new row into the CSV file.
printRow(Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Prints the values to the Excel file.
printRow(Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the row.
printRow(Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Prints the row into the stream.
printRow(Object[]) - Method in interface csv.TableWriter
Prints the columns into the table writer.
printRow(Object[], int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Prints the values to the Excel file at the given row.
printRow(Collection<?>) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Prints a single row into the CSV stream.
printRow(Collection<?>) - Method in interface csv.TableWriter
Prints a single row into the CSV stream.
printRow(Iterator<?>) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Prints a new row into the CSV stream.
printRow(Iterator<?>) - Method in interface csv.TableWriter
Prints a new row into the CSV stream.
printRow(Iterator<?>, int) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Prints a single row into the CSV stream.
printRow(Iterator<?>, int) - Method in interface csv.TableWriter
Prints a single row into the CSV stream.
printTableBodyFooter() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table body (tbody) footer into the underlying stream.
printTableBodyHeader() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table body (tbody) header into the underlying stream.
printTableBodyRowFooter(int) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table body row (tr) footer into the underlying stream.
printTableBodyRowHeader(int) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table body row (tr) header into the underlying stream.
printTableDataColumnFooter(int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table body data cell (td) footer into the underlying stream.
printTableDataColumnHeader(int, int) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table body data cell (td) header into the underlying stream.
printTableFooter() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table footer into the underlying stream.
printTableHeadColumnFooter(int) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table header column (th) footer into the underlying stream.
printTableHeadColumnHeader(int) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table header column (th) header into the underlying stream.
printTableHeader() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table header into the underlying stream.
printTableHeadFooter() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table head (thead) footer into the underlying stream.
printTableHeadHeader() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table head (thead) header into the underlying stream.
printTableHeadRowFooter() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table header row (tr) footer into the underlying stream.
printTableHeadRowHeader() - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Prints the table header row (tr) header into the underlying stream.


readHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Reads the header row if required.
readHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Reads the header row from next line.
readHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Reads the header row from next line.
readHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Reads the header row.
readHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.JTableReader
Reads the table header.
readHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Reads the header row.
readHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Reads the next row from stream and sets the attribute names.
readNextRow() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Reads the next row from the result set.
readNextRow() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Reads the next row.
register(MimeTypeInfo) - Method in class csv.CSVFactory
Registers a new MIME type.
registerCommentCallBack(CommentCallback) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Registers a comment callback.
registerCommentCallBack(CommentCallback) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Registers a comment callback.
registerCommentCallBack(CommentCallback) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Adds a comment callback.
registerCommentCallBack(CommentCallback) - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Registers a comment callback.
registerExcelListener(ExcelListener) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Registers an Excel Listener.
registerTypeConversionHandler(TypeConversionHandler) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Registers a type conversion handler.
registerTypeConversionHandler(TypeConversionHandler) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Registers a type conversion handler.
remove() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
remove() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
remove() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
This method throws an exception.
remove() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Forwards to JDBC result set.
remove() - Method in class csv.impl.JTableReader
Removal is not supported.
remove() - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Method not supported.
removeCommentCallBack(CommentCallback) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
reset() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Resets the reader.
reset() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Resets the reader.
reset() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Resets the reader and its underlying stream.
reset() - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Resets the CSV reader and its underlying stream.
reset() - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Resets the underlying reader.
reset() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Resets the reader by resetting the current row index
reset() - Method in class csv.impl.IndexRowFilter
reset() - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Resets the result set cursor before the first row.
reset() - Method in class csv.impl.JTableReader
Resets the reader.
reset() - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Resets the reader.
reset() - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Resets the reader.
reset() - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Resets the reader.
retrieveNextRow() - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Retrieves the next row from the current sheet.
rowCreated(ExcelWriter, Row) - Method in interface csv.impl.ExcelListener
Notifies about rows created.
rowHasOnlyBlankCells(Row) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Checks whether row has only blank cells.


selectSheet(int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Select the given sheet to be read from.
selectSheet(int) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
This method selects the sheet at given index.
selectSheet(String) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Select the given sheet to be read from.
selectSheet(Sheet) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Select the given sheet to be read from.
selectSheet(Sheet) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
This method selects the given sheet.
setAlignment(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the alignment.
setAttributes(String[]) - Method in class csv.util.BeanReader
Sets the attribute names to be set for each column.
setBgColor(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the background color.
setBottomBorderColor(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the color of the bottom border.
setBottomBorderThickness(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the thickness of the bottom border.
setCharset(String) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Sets the charset to be used on the input stream.
setCharset(String) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Sets the charset being used for output.
setCharset(Charset) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Sets the charset to be used on the input stream.
setCharset(Charset) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Sets the charset being used for output.
setCharsetDecoder(CharsetDecoder) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Sets the charset decoder to be used on the input stream.
setCharsetEncoder(CharsetEncoder) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Sets the charset encoder being used.
setCloseResultSet(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Sets whether the result set will be closed.
setColumnDelimiter(String) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Sets the column delimiters to be used.
setColumnDelimiter(String) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Sets the column delimiter to be used.
setColumnDelimiterRequired(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Sets if column separators are always required or not.
setColumnNameAttribute(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Sets the attribute name of column tag that will contain the attribute name.
setColumnNameAttribute(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Sets the name of the attribute within column tag that contains the column name.
setColumnSeparator(char) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Sets the column separator to be used.
setColumnSeparator(char) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Sets the column separator to be used.
setColumnTagName(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Sets the column tag name.
setColumnTagName(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Sets the name of teh column tag.
setColumnType(int, Class<?>) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Explicitely set the type of a column.
setColumnTypeAttribute(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Sets the attribute name of column tag that contains the type of value.
setColumnTypeAttribute(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Sets the name of the attribute in the column tag that contains the Java type of the value.
setCommentChar(char) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Sets the character to be used for indicating comments
setCommentChars(String) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Sets the characters used to start comment lines.
setDefaultBorderColor(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
setDefaultBorderThickness(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
setDefaultCharset(String) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Sets the CSVUtils.defaultCharset.
setDefaultCharset(Charset) - Static method in class csv.util.CSVUtils
Sets the CSVUtils.defaultCharset.
setEmphasizeFirstRow(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Sets the property of emphasizing header rows.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Sets the encoding string for XML header.
setEvaluateFormulas(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Sets whether formulas shall be evaluated or not (default is true).
setFgColor(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the foreground color.
setFillPattern(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the fill pattern.
setFont(Font) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the text font.
setFormat(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the format.
setFormatter(ExcelFormatter) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Sets the formatter for this ExcelWriter.
setHasHeaderRow(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Tells the reader whether the underlying stream will treat first row as header row.
setHasHeaderRow(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Tells the reader whether the underlying stream will treat first row as header row.
setHasHeaderRow(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Tells the reader whether the underlying stream will treat first row as header row.
setHasHeaderRow(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets whether writer will create a header row.
setHasHeaderRow(boolean) - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Tells the reader whether the underlying stream will treat first row as header row.
setHeaderColumns(Object[]) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Sets the header column names explicitely.
setHeaderRow(String[]) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Sets the header rows.
setHeaderRowRead(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
setIgnoreComments(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Controls whether comment lines will be ignored or not.
setIgnoreEmptyLines(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVReader
Set ignoring of empty lines.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableReader
Sets the input stream.
setLeftBorderColor(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the color of the left border.
setLeftBorderThickness(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the thickness of the left border.
setMinimumColumnCount(int) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Sets the minimum number of columns to be returned by
setMinimumColumnCount(int) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Sets the minimum number of columns to be returned by
setMinimumColumnCount(int) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
setMinimumColumnCount(int) - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Sets the minimum number of columns to be returned by
setOutputStream(OutputStream) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter
Sets the underlying stream.
setParsingFormats(String[]) - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Sets the parsing date formats to be used.
setPrintFormat(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Sets the format used for printing.
setResultSet(ResultSet) - Method in class csv.impl.JdbcReader
Sets the JDBC result set for this reader.
setRightBorderColor(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
setRightBorderThickness(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the thickness of the right border.
setRowSeparator(String) - Method in class csv.impl.CSVWriter
Sets the row separator to be used.
setRowTagName(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Sets the row tag name.
setRowTagName(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Set the name of the row tag.
setSkipBlankRows(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelReader
Sets whether blank rows will be skipped or not while reading.
setStyle(ExcelWriter, Cell, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter
Sets the cell style.
setStyle(ExcelWriter, Cell, Object) - Method in interface csv.impl.ExcelFormatter
Sets the cell style.
setStyle(Cell, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Sets the style of a cell.
setTableTemplate(String) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets the main table template.
setTbodyTdTemplate(String) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets the data cell template for even columns.
setTbodyTdTemplate2(String) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets the data cell template for odd columns.
setTbodyTemplate(String) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets the body template.
setTbodyTrTemplate(String) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets the row template for even data rows.
setTbodyTrTemplate2(String) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets the row template for odd data rows.
setTextWrap(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets whether text is wrapped in cell.
setTheadTemplate(String) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets the header template.
setTheadThTemplate(String) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets the header cell template for even columns.
setTheadThTemplate2(String) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets the header cell template for odd columns.
setTheadTrTemplate(String) - Method in class csv.impl.HtmlWriter
Sets the header row template.
setTimezone(TimeZone) - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Sets the timezone for formatting and parsing.
setTopBorderColor(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the color of the top border.
setTopBorderThickness(Short) - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
Sets the thickness of the top border.
setTopLevelTagName(String) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Sets the XML root tag name.
setUseColumnNameTags(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlReader
Sets whether column names will be used as column tag names.
setUseColumnNameTags(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Sets whether column tag names will be equal to column names.
setValue(int, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Sets the value at the specified cell.
setValue(Cell, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Sets the value at the specified cell.
setValue(Row, int, Object) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Sets the value at the specified cell.
setWriteHeaderRow(boolean) - Method in class csv.impl.XmlWriter
Sets whether the first row being written contains the column names.
setWriteHeaderRow(boolean) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Sets whether a header row with attribute names shall be written.
setWriter(TableWriter) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Sets the writer.
ShortConversionHandler - Class in csv.impl.type
Conversion Handler for short.
ShortConversionHandler() - Constructor for class csv.impl.type.ShortConversionHandler
StyleDescription() - Constructor for class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
StyleDescription(Short, Short, Short, Short, Font, Short, Short, Short, Short, Short, Short, Short, Short, Short, boolean) - Constructor for class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription


TableReader - Interface in csv
Introduces an interface for other implementations of table reading interfaces.
TableWriter - Interface in csv
Introduces an interface for other implementations of table writing interfaces.
toObject(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.BooleanConversionHandler
toObject(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.ByteConversionHandler
toObject(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.CharConversionHandler
toObject(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Converts string to date.
toObject(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.DoubleConversionHandler
toObject(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.FloatConversionHandler
toObject(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.IntegerConversionHandler
toObject(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.LongConversionHandler
toObject(String) - Method in class csv.impl.type.ShortConversionHandler
toObject(String) - Method in interface csv.TypeConversionHandler
Converts the string (from stream) into corresponding object.
toString() - Method in class csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.StyleDescription
toString(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.type.BooleanConversionHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.type.ByteConversionHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.type.CharConversionHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.type.DateConversionHandler
Converts the date to its string representation.
toString(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.type.DoubleConversionHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.type.FloatConversionHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.type.IntegerConversionHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.type.LongConversionHandler
toString(Object) - Method in class csv.impl.type.ShortConversionHandler
toString(Object) - Method in interface csv.TypeConversionHandler
Converts an object into its string representation.
TypeConversionHandler - Interface in csv
A type conversion handler can take any string and convert it to an appropriate object and vice versa.


unregisterCommentCallBack(CommentCallback) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractColumnFilter
Unregisters a comment callback.
unregisterCommentCallBack(CommentCallback) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractRowFilter
Unregisters a comment callback.
unregisterCommentCallBack(CommentCallback) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Removes a comment callback.
unregisterCommentCallBack(CommentCallback) - Method in interface csv.TableReader
Unregisters a comment callback.
unregisterExcelListener(ExcelListener) - Method in class csv.impl.ExcelWriter
Unregisters an ExcelListener.
unregisterTypeConversionHandler(TypeConversionHandler) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableReader
Unregisters a type conversion handler.
unregisterTypeConversionHandler(TypeConversionHandler) - Method in class csv.impl.AbstractTableWriter
Unregisters a type conversion handler.


writeBean(T) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Writes the bean to the underlying table writer.
writeBeans(Object[]) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Copies the beans from the collection to this bean writer.
writeBeans(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Copies the beans from the collection to this bean writer.
writeBeans(Iterator<? extends T>) - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Copies the beans from the collection to this bean writer.
writeHeaderRow() - Method in class csv.util.BeanWriter
Writes the header row to the underlying table writer.


XML_INFO - Static variable in class csv.MimeTypeInfo
The default information for Excel files.
XmlReader - Class in csv.impl
Reads from a XML file.
XmlReader() - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlReader
XmlReader(File) - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlReader
XmlReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlReader
XmlReader(String) - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlReader
XmlWriter - Class in csv.impl
Writer implementation for XML streams.
XmlWriter() - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlWriter
XmlWriter(File) - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlWriter
XmlWriter(File, boolean) - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlWriter
XmlWriter(OutputStream) - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlWriter
XmlWriter(OutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlWriter
XmlWriter(String) - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlWriter
XmlWriter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class csv.impl.XmlWriter
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