
package api

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Failed [A](detail: A) extends Result[A] with Product with Serializable
  2. case class Inference [P, C](isValid: Boolean, show: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Evidence that states if the conclusion C can be inferred from the premise P or not.

    Evidence that states if the conclusion C can be inferred from the premise P or not.

    This type class is used to implement refinement subtyping. If a valid Inference[P, C] exists, the type F[T, P] is considered a subtype of F[T, C].

  3. final case class Passed [A](detail: A) extends Result[A] with Product with Serializable
  4. trait RefType [F[_, _]] extends Serializable

    Type class that allows F to be used as carrier type of a refinement.

    Type class that allows F to be used as carrier type of a refinement. The first type parameter of F is the base type that is being refined by its second type parameter which is the type-level predicate that denotes the refinement. Consequently, F[T, P] is a phantom type that only contains a value of type T.

    The library provides instances of RefType for

    • the Refined value class
    • and shapeless.tag.@@ which is a subtype of its first parameter (i.e. (T @@ P) <: T)
  5. final class Refined [T, P] extends AnyVal with Serializable

    Wraps a value of type T that satisfies the predicate P.

    Wraps a value of type T that satisfies the predicate P. Instances of this class can be created with refineV and refineMV which verify that the wrapped value satisfies P.

  6. sealed abstract class Result [A] extends Product with Serializable
  7. trait Validate [T, P] extends Serializable

    Type class for validating values of type T according to a type-level predicate P.

    Type class for validating values of type T according to a type-level predicate P. The semantics of P are defined by the instance(s) of this type class for P.
