Annotation Type EventLog

  • @Target(METHOD)
    public @interface EventLog
    Annotation that can be used to record logs in its TxResult as eventLogs.

    If the value of an element, named indexed, is set, the designated number of parameters of the applied method declaration will be indexed in the order and included in the Bloom filter. Indexed parameters and non-indexed parameters are separately stored in the TxResult. At most 3 parameters can be indexed, and the value of indexed cannot exceed the number of parameters. Possible data types for method parameters are int, boolean, byte[], BigInteger, String, and Address.

    It is recommended to declare a method without a implementation body. Even if the applied method has the body, it does not be executed in runtime.

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      int indexed
      The number of indexed parameters of the applied method declaration (maximum 3).
    • Element Detail

      • indexed

        int indexed
        The number of indexed parameters of the applied method declaration (maximum 3).