

package termination

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CounterTermination extends Termination

    Stop after a finite number of state

  2. trait CrowdingStabilityTermination extends Termination with FitnessCrowdingDiversity with StabilityTermination

    Termination creterium computed from the variation of the maximum crowding distance among the population elements.

    Termination creterium computed from the variation of the maximum crowding distance among the population elements. It stop when this metric stabilize.

    FIXME: take into account only the last ranked individual, pb it can be empty due to the filter on the positive infinity diversity

  3. trait HyperVolumeStabilityTermination extends Termination with ReferencePoint with StabilityTermination with MG

    Terminates when the hypervolume contribution of the last ranked individuals in the population has been stabilized.

  4. trait StabilityTermination extends Termination

  5. trait Termination extends genome.G with P with F

    Layer to compute the stopping condition of the evolutionary algorithm

  6. trait TimedTermination extends Termination

    Terminate the algorithm after a given share of time.

Value Members

  1. object StabilityTermination
