



package api

Minimal API for managing some Isabelle version. It is centered around the notion of an environment, which captures the base functionality of an Isabelle process, e.g. starting and stopping an instance. API clients should go through the higher-level implementations and system interfaces.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. api
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Configuration(paths: List[Path], session: String) extends Product with Serializable


    Represents the location and name of a session (Isabelle terminology).

    Represents the location and name of a session (Isabelle terminology).

    Refer to the Isabelle system manual for details about sessions. libisabelle assumes that users are familiar with the session handling of Isabelle.

    Creation of configurations is completely unchecked. Errors such as non-existing paths will only manifest themselves when attempting to build a configuration or create a system. Nonetheless, users should go through one of the constructors in the companion object.

  2. abstract class Environment extends AnyRef


    Abstract interface for an Isabelle environment of a particular version in a path with an underlying PIDE machinery.

    Abstract interface for an Isabelle environment of a particular version in a path with an underlying PIDE machinery.

    As opposed to a mere logic-less Setup, an environment knows how to manage Isabelle processes. It can also manage multiple running processes at the same time.

    A subclass of this class is called implementation throughout libisabelle.

    It is highly recommended to use edu.tum.cs.isabelle.setup.Setup#makeEnvironment to instantiate implementations.

    While implementations may be created freely by users, it is recommended to only use the bundled implementations for the supported Isabelle versions. By convention, they live in the package edu.tum.cs.isabelle.impl. See also Setup.defaultPackageName.


    • An implementation is a subclass of this class.
    • The class name of the implementation must be Environment. There must be a BuildInfo class in the same package.
    • Implementations must be final and provide a constructor with exactly one argument (of type java.nio.file.Path). There must be no other constructors. The constructor should be private.
    • Implementations must be annotated with Implementation, where the given identifier corresponds to the version identifier.


    Due to name clashes in the underlying PIDE machinery (which is provided by Isabelle itself and is not under control of libisabelle), it is impossible to have multiple environments for different versions in the same class loader. This is the primary reason why this class exists in the first place, to enable seamless abstraction over multiple PIDEs.

  3. class Implementation extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation

  4. type Markup = (String, Properties)

  5. type Properties = List[(String, String)]

  6. final case class Version(identifier: String) extends Product with Serializable


    Represents the version of an Isabelle release.

    Represents the version of an Isabelle release.

    Repository snapshots are not supported.

Value Members

  1. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable


    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  2. object Configuration extends Serializable


    Convenience constructors for configurations.

  3. object Environment

  4. object XML


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
