Interface ListensToSyslogMessages

    • Method Detail

      • startSyslogBroadcast

        default void startSyslogBroadcast()
        Start syslog messages broadcast via web socket. This method assumes that Appium server is running on localhost and is assigned to the default port (4723).
      • startSyslogBroadcast

        default void startSyslogBroadcast​(java.lang.String host)
        Start syslog messages broadcast via web socket. This method assumes that Appium server is assigned to the default port (4723).
        host - the name of the host where Appium server is running
      • startSyslogBroadcast

        default void startSyslogBroadcast​(java.lang.String host,
                                          int port)
        Start syslog messages broadcast via web socket.
        host - the name of the host where Appium server is running
        port - the port of the host where Appium server is running
      • addSyslogMessagesListener

        default void addSyslogMessagesListener​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.String> handler)
        Adds a new log messages broadcasting handler. Several handlers might be assigned to a single server. Multiple calls to this method will cause such handler to be called multiple times.
        handler - a function, which accepts a single argument, which is the actual log message
      • addSyslogErrorsListener

        default void addSyslogErrorsListener​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Throwable> handler)
        Adds a new log broadcasting errors handler. Several handlers might be assigned to a single server. Multiple calls to this method will cause such handler to be called multiple times.
        handler - a function, which accepts a single argument, which is the actual exception instance
      • addSyslogConnectionListener

        default void addSyslogConnectionListener​(java.lang.Runnable handler)
        Adds a new log broadcasting connection handler. Several handlers might be assigned to a single server. Multiple calls to this method will cause such handler to be called multiple times.
        handler - a function, which is executed as soon as the client is successfully connected to the web socket
      • addSyslogDisconnectionListener

        default void addSyslogDisconnectionListener​(java.lang.Runnable handler)
        Adds a new log broadcasting disconnection handler. Several handlers might be assigned to a single server. Multiple calls to this method will cause such handler to be called multiple times.
        handler - a function, which is executed as soon as the client is successfully disconnected from the web socket
      • removeAllSyslogListeners

        default void removeAllSyslogListeners()
        Removes all existing syslog handlers.
      • stopSyslogBroadcast

        default void stopSyslogBroadcast()
        Stops syslog messages broadcast via web socket.