Interface PullsFiles

    • Method Detail

      • pullFile

        default byte[] pullFile​(java.lang.String remotePath)
        Pull a file from the remote system. On Android the application under test should be built with debuggable flag enabled in order to get access to its container on the internal file system.
        remotePath - If the path starts with @applicationId// prefix, then the file will be pulled from the root of the corresponding application container. Otherwise, the root folder is considered as / on Android and on iOS it is a media folder root (real devices only).
        A byte array of Base64 encoded data.
      • pullFolder

        default byte[] pullFolder​(java.lang.String remotePath)
        Pull a folder content from the remote system. On Android the application under test should be built with debuggable flag enabled in order to get access to its container on the internal file system.
        remotePath - If the path starts with @applicationId/ prefix, then the folder will be pulled from the root of the corresponding application container. Otherwise, the root folder is considered as / on Android and on iOS it is a media folder root (real devices only).
        A byte array of Base64 encoded zip archive data.