Interface PushesFiles

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default void pushFile​(java.lang.String remotePath, byte[] base64Data)
      Saves base64 encoded data as a media file on the remote system.
      default void pushFile​(java.lang.String remotePath, file)
      Saves base64 encoded data as a media file on the remote system.
    • Method Detail

      • pushFile

        default void pushFile​(java.lang.String remotePath,
                              byte[] base64Data)
        Saves base64 encoded data as a media file on the remote system.
        remotePath - Path to file to write data to on remote device Only the filename part matters there on Simulator, so the remote end can figure out which type of media data it is and save it into a proper folder on the target device. Check 'xcrun simctl addmedia' output to get more details on supported media types. If the path starts with @applicationId/ prefix, then the file will be pushed to the root of the corresponding application container.
        base64Data - Base64 encoded byte array of media file data to write to remote device
      • pushFile

        default void pushFile​(java.lang.String remotePath,
        Saves base64 encoded data as a media file on the remote system.
        remotePath - See the documentation on pushFile(String, byte[])
        file - Is an existing local file to be written to the remote device
        Throws: - when there are problems with a file or current file system