

package concurrent

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class Atomic[A] extends AnyRef

    Extension to AtomicReference that allows more idiomatic usage.

    Extension to AtomicReference that allows more idiomatic usage.

    It adds a value that can be set with an update function:

    value = (a: A) => calculate(a)
    value = calculate(_)
  2. class Backoff extends AnyRef

    Simple backoff implementation, not exponential, grows randomly but linearly

  3. class Gate extends AnyRef

  4. class IntRepeater extends Logging

  5. final class Memoize[E, A] extends AnyRef

    Simple memoizer that can fail.

    Simple memoizer that can fail.

    WARNING it must be used with care. Note in particular that it must not always fail as it tail recurses in that case and will live lock.

  6. case class Pool[+A](available: List[A] = Nil, busy: List[A] = Nil) extends Product with Serializable

    Pool manages two queues of available and busy objects.

    Pool manages two queues of available and busy objects.

    Immutable, variable reference needs to be managed externally.

  7. class SequenceGenerator extends AnyRef

    Thread-safe monotonic sequence generator

Value Members

  1. object Atomic

  2. object AtomicPool

    Creates a thread-safe mutable Pool wrapper

  3. object Backoff

  4. object Gate

  5. object IntRepeater

  6. object Memoize

  7. object Pool extends Serializable

  8. object ThreadFactories

    Factory for creating {{ThreadFactory}} instances.

    Factory for creating {{ThreadFactory}} instances. All factory implementations produce named threads to give good stack-traces.
