

package model

Created by peter on 26/08/16.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. model
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class AbsoluteFragmentId(root: RootId, fragments: List[String]) extends AbsoluteId with Product with Serializable

    This is the absolute version of a fragment id.

  2. trait AbsoluteId extends UniqueId

  3. case class Action(actionType: Method, headers: ParsedParameters, queryParameters: ParsedParameters, body: Body, responses: Responses) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by peter on 10/02/16.

  4. case class ActualMediaType(value: String) extends MediaType with Product with Serializable

  5. case class Body(contentMap: Map[MediaType, BodyContent] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by peter on 26/08/16.

  6. case class BodyContent(mediaType: MediaType, bodyType: Option[TypeRepresentation] = scala.None, formParameters: ParsedParameters = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by peter on 10/02/16.

  7. sealed trait DateFormat extends AnyRef

    Created by peter on 19/08/16.

  8. case class FragmentId(fragments: List[String]) extends Id with Product with Serializable

    A fragment id identifies its schema uniquely by the schema path (JSON path in the original JSON representation) from its nearest root schema towards itself.

  9. sealed trait Id extends AnyRef

    The base class for all Id's.

  10. trait MediaType extends AnyRef

    Created by peter on 26/08/16.

  11. sealed trait Method extends AnyRef

    Created by peter on 10/02/16.

  12. case class NativeId(id: String) extends UniqueId with Product with Serializable

    A native id is like a relative id, but it is not expected to have an absolute parent id.

  13. case class Raml(title: String, mediaType: Option[MediaType], description: Option[String], version: Option[String], baseUri: Option[String], baseUriParameters: ParsedParameters, protocols: Option[Seq[String]], traits: Traits, types: Types, resources: List[Resource]) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by peter on 10/02/16.

  14. case class RelativeId(id: String) extends Id with Product with Serializable

    A relative id identifies its schema uniquely when expanded with the anchor of its root schema.

  15. case class Resource(urlSegment: String, urlParameter: Option[ParsedParameter] = scala.None, displayName: Option[String] = scala.None, description: Option[String] = scala.None, actions: List[Action] = immutable.this.List.empty[Nothing], resources: List[Resource] = immutable.this.List.empty[Nothing], parent: Option[Resource] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by peter on 10/02/16.

  16. case class Response(status: StatusCode, headers: ParsedParameters, body: Body) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by peter on 10/02/16.

  17. case class Responses(responseMap: Map[StatusCode, Response] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by peter on 26/08/16.

  18. case class RootId(hostPath: List[String], path: List[String], name: String) extends AbsoluteId with Product with Serializable

    An absolute id uniquely identifies a schema.

  19. case class StatusCode(code: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by peter on 26/08/16.

  20. case class Traits(traitsMap: Map[String, JsObject]) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by peter on 10/02/16.

  21. sealed trait TypeModel extends AnyRef

    Created by peter on 26/09/16.

  22. case class TypeRepresentation(parsed: ParsedType, canonical: Option[TypeReference] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by peter on 12/12/16.

  23. sealed trait UniqueId extends Id

    UniqueId's are Id's that are expected to be unique by value within a RAML document.

Value Members

  1. object Action extends Serializable

  2. object Body extends Serializable

  3. object BodyContentAsDefaultMediaType

  4. object BodyContentAsMediaTypeMap

  5. object DateOnlyTimeOnly extends DateFormat with Product with Serializable

  6. object Delete extends Method with Product with Serializable

  7. object Get extends Method with Product with Serializable

  8. object Head extends Method with Product with Serializable

  9. object ImplicitId extends Id with Product with Serializable

    An implicit id marks the absense of an id.

  10. object JsInclude

    Created by peter on 10/02/16.

  11. object JsonSchemaIdAnalyser

  12. object JsonSchemaIdExtractor

    Created by peter on 25/03/16.

  13. object JsonSchemaModel extends TypeModel with Product with Serializable

  14. object MediaType

  15. object Method

  16. object NoId extends AbsoluteId with Product with Serializable

    Placeholder object for an ID that points to nowhere.

  17. object NoMediaType extends MediaType with Product with Serializable

  18. object Options extends Method with Product with Serializable

  19. object Patch extends Method with Product with Serializable

  20. object Post extends Method with Product with Serializable

  21. object Put extends Method with Product with Serializable

  22. object RFC2616 extends DateFormat with Product with Serializable

  23. object RFC3339DateTime extends DateFormat with Product with Serializable

  24. object RFC3339FullDate extends DateFormat with Product with Serializable

  25. object RFC3339PartialTime extends DateFormat with Product with Serializable

  26. object Raml extends Serializable

  27. object RamlModel extends TypeModel with Product with Serializable

  28. object RefExtractor

  29. object Resource extends Serializable

  30. object Response extends Serializable

  31. object Responses extends Serializable

  32. object RootId extends Serializable

  33. object StatusCode extends Serializable

  34. object Trace extends Method with Product with Serializable

  35. object Traits extends Serializable

  36. object TypeModel

  37. package canonicaltypes

  38. package parsedtypes

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
