Package | Description |
---|---| |
Allows MapReduce jobs to read from and write to datasets.
io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.lib |
Collection of
Dataset implementations available out-of-the-box in CDAP. |
io.cdap.cdap.api.dataset.table |
Provides access to the system-level table
Dataset s available within CDAP. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Handy implementation of the
Split . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T extends Collection<? super Split>> |
Splits.decode(String encoded,
T splits,
ClassLoader classLoader)
Deserialize a list of
Split s encoded by the Splits.encode(Iterable) method |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Split |
Splits.deserialize(DataInput in,
ClassLoader classLoader)
Deserialize a
Split that was written by the Splits.serialize(Split, DataOutput) method
using a provided ClassLoader to load the Split class. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Split> |
Returns all splits of the dataset.
List<Split> |
Input.DatasetInput.getSplits() |
List<Split> |
Returns all splits of the dataset.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract Iterator<VALUE> |
IteratorBasedSplitReader.createIterator(Split split)
Creates an iterator to iterate through all records of a given split.
SplitReader<KEY,VALUE> |
BatchReadable.createSplitReader(Split split)
Creates a reader for the split of a dataset.
RecordScanner<RECORD> |
RecordScannable.createSplitRecordScanner(Split split)
Creates a reader for the split of a dataset.
void |
IteratorBasedSplitReader.initialize(Split split) |
abstract void |
SplitReader.initialize(Split split)
Called once at initialization.
void |
SplitReaderAdapter.initialize(Split split) |
abstract void |
RecordScanner.initialize(Split split)
Called once at initialization.
static void |
Splits.serialize(Split split,
DataOutput out)
Serialize a
Split instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static String |
Splits.encode(Iterable<? extends Split> splits)
static Input |
Input.ofDataset(String datasetName,
Iterable<? extends Split> splits)
Returns an Input defined by a dataset.
static Input |
Input.ofDataset(String datasetName,
Map<String,String> arguments,
Iterable<? extends Split> splits)
Returns an Input defined by a dataset.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
A method for using a Dataset as input for a MapReduce job.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Split> |
TimeseriesTable.getInputSplits(int splitsCount,
byte[] key,
long startTime,
long endTime,
byte[]... tags)
Defines input selection for batch jobs.
List<Split> |
IndexedTable.getSplits() |
List<Split> |
TimeseriesTable.getSplits() |
List<Split> |
KeyValueTable.getSplits() |
List<Split> |
IndexedTable.getSplits(int numSplits,
byte[] start,
byte[] stop) |
List<Split> |
ObjectStore.getSplits(int numSplits,
byte[] start,
byte[] stop)
Returns splits for a range of keys in the table.
List<Split> |
KeyValueTable.getSplits(int numSplits,
byte[] start,
byte[] stop)
Returns splits for a range of keys in the table.
List<Split> |
ObjectMappedTable.getSplits(int numSplits,
byte[] start,
byte[] stop)
Returns splits for a range of keys in the table.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<TimeseriesTable.Entry> |
TimeseriesTable.TimeseriesTableRecordsReader.createIterator(Split split) |
SplitReader<byte[],Row> |
IndexedTable.createSplitReader(Split split) |
SplitReader<byte[],TimeseriesTable.Entry> |
TimeseriesTable.createSplitReader(Split split) |
SplitReader<byte[],byte[]> |
KeyValueTable.createSplitReader(Split split) |
RecordScanner<StructuredRecord> |
IndexedTable.createSplitRecordScanner(Split split) |
RecordScanner<KeyValue<byte[],byte[]>> |
KeyValueTable.createSplitRecordScanner(Split split) |
void |
KeyValueTable.KeyValueScanner.initialize(Split split) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Table splits are simply a start and stop key.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Split> |
Table.getSplits(int numSplits,
byte[] start,
byte[] stop)
Returns splits for a range of keys in the table.
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