Interface | Description |
Groups all input objects into collections and performs an aggregation on the entire group.
AlertEmitter |
Emits alerts.
AlertPublisherContext |
Context for an
AlertPublisher , exposing methods to publish messages to TMS. |
Arguments |
Provides access to the pipeline arguments at runtime.
Destroyable |
Interface for stage that supports destroy call for resources cleanup.
Emitter<T> |
Used to emit one or more key, value pairs to the next stage.
ErrorEmitter<T> |
Emits errors.
ErrorRecord<T> |
Information about a record that was emitted using
ErrorEmitter.emitError(InvalidEntry) . |
FailureCollector |
Failure collector is responsible to collect
ValidationFailure s. |
FromKeyValueTransform<TYPE,KEY_IN,VALUE_IN> |
Interface for an entity which allows the transformation between an object of a given Type from a KeyValue pair.
Provides join keys on which join needs to be performed and merges the join results.
Lookup<T> |
Exposes read-only lookup operations on datasets.
LookupProvider |
Lookup instances given a dataset name. |
MultiInputPipelineConfigurable |
Allows the stage with multiple inputs to configure pipeline.
MultiInputPipelineConfigurer |
Configures an ETL Pipeline.
MultiInputStageConfigurer |
This stores the input schemas that are passed to this stage from other stages in the pipeline and
the output schema that could be sent to the next stages from this stage.
MultiOutputEmitter<T> |
Used to emit one or more key-value pairs to output ports.
MultiOutputPipelineConfigurable |
Allows a stage with multiple outputs to configure the pipeline.
MultiOutputPipelineConfigurer |
Configures a Pipeline.
MultiOutputStageConfigurer |
This stores the input schemas that are passed to this stage from other stages in the pipeline and
the output schema that could be sent to the next stages from this stage.
MultiOutputTransformation<IN,E> |
Transforms an input object into zero or more output objects, emitted to specific output ports.
PipelineConfigurable |
Allows the stage to configure pipeline.
PipelineConfigurer |
Configures an ETL Pipeline.
Groups all input objects into collections and performs an aggregation on the entire group.
StageConfigurer |
This stores the input schema that is passed to this stage from other stages in the pipeline and
the output schema that could be sent to the next stages from this stage.
StageContext |
Context for a pipeline stage, providing access to information about the stage, metrics, and plugins.
StageLifecycle<T> |
Interface for stage that supports initialize call for resource setup.
StageMetrics |
The interface exposes method for emitting user metrics from ETL stage.
StageSubmitterContext |
Similar to
TransformContext , but also exposing functionality of MessagingContext . |
SubmitterLifecycle<T> |
Interface for stage that supports initialize call for resource setup.
ToKeyValueTransform<TYPE,KEY_OUT,VALUE_OUT> |
Interface for an entity which allows the transformation between an object of a given Type into a KeyValue pair.
Transformation<IN,OUT> |
Transforms an input object into zero or more output objects.
TransformContext |
Context passed to ETL Transform stages.
Validator |
Utility for obtaining an object which implements a set of validator functions; this object
is usually assigned to a variable specified by the
Validator.getValidatorName() value. |
Class | Description |
Alert |
An alert emitted by a stage in the pipeline.
AlertPublisher |
A pipeline stage that can publish any alerts emitted by the previous stage.
CacheConfig |
Cache configuration.
ErrorTransform<IN,OUT> |
A special type of
Transform that will get as input all errors emitted by the previous stage. |
InvalidEntry<T> |
Represents a record that fails validation, with provided errorCode and errorMessage
JoinConfig |
Join configuration to hold information about join to be performed
JoinElement<INPUT_RECORD> |
Join element to hold join record per stage
LookupConfig |
Configuration for an ETL stage using
Lookup . |
LookupTableConfig |
Configuration for a particular
Lookup table. |
SerializableTransform<IN,OUT> |
Used to mark a transform as serializable.
SplitterTransform<T,E> |
A Transform that can split its input among multiple output ports.
Transform<IN,OUT> |
Transform Stage.
Enum | Description |
Engine |
Execution engines.
LookupTableConfig.TableType |
Type of lookup table.
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