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AbstractFileConfigurationManager - Class in io.confound.config.file
A configuration manager that knows how to load a configuration by parsing some document from an input stream.
AbstractFileConfigurationManager(Iterable<ConfigurationFileFormat>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.AbstractFileConfigurationManager
Configuration file formats constructor.


baseFilename(Path, String) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Uses a base path and a base filename.
build() - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Builds a configuration manager.
build() - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Builds a configuration manager.
buildConfiguration() - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Builds a manage configured, managed by new file system configuration manager, and using the specified parent configuration, if any.
buildConfiguration() - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Builds a manage configured, managed by new resources configuration manager, and using the specified parent configuration, if any.
Builder() - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder


candidatePaths(Path...) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Uses a series of paths as candidate paths for configuration file discovery.
classLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Sets the explicit class loader for loading resources.
CONFIG_CLASSIFIER - Static variable in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
The default classifier to use for determining a configuration resource for a context package or class.
ConfigurationFileFormat - Interface in io.confound.config.file
A strategy for loading a configuration from an input stream.
contextClass(Class<?>) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Sets the context class to use for a class loader if none is specified separately, and for determining a base path if none is specified separately.
createConfigurationNotFoundException() - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.AbstractFileConfigurationManager
Utility factory method for creating a configuration exception indicating that no supported configuration file could be found.


DEFAULT_BASE_FILENAME - Static variable in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
The default base filename to use for determining a file system resource.
DEFAULT_PACKAGE_BASE_NAME - Static variable in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
The default base name to use for determining a configuration resource for a context package.
defaultFileFormats() - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.AbstractFileConfigurationManager
Determines the default configuration file formats.


fileFormat(ConfigurationFileFormat) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Sets a single file format to be supported by the configuration manager.
fileFormat(ConfigurationFileFormat) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Sets a single file format to be supported by the configuration manager.
fileFormats(Iterable<ConfigurationFileFormat>) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Sets the file formats to be supported by the configuration manager.
fileFormats(Iterable<ConfigurationFileFormat>) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Sets the file formats to be supported by the configuration manager.
filenameGlob(Path, String) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Uses a base path and a filename glob to discover the configuration file.
filenamePattern(Path, Pattern) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Uses a base path and a filename pattern to discover the configuration file.
FileSystemConfigurationManager - Class in io.confound.config.file
A configuration manager that can load and parse a configuration from the file system.
FileSystemConfigurationManager(Iterable<ConfigurationFileFormat>, Supplier<Stream<Path>>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
File formats, candidate paths supplier, and optional required constructor.
FileSystemConfigurationManager(Supplier<Stream<Path>>) - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Constructor for an optional configuration.
FileSystemConfigurationManager(Supplier<Stream<Path>>, boolean) - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder - Class in io.confound.config.file
Builder for the manager.
forBaseFilename(Path, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that discovers an optional configuration file using a base filename.
forCandidatePaths(Path...) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that discovers an optional configuration file from one of the given paths.
forClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that loads a required configuration using the given classifier appended to a class' name and separated by a dash - character, relative to the class, using the class' resource loader.
forClass(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that loads a required configuration using the given classifier appended to a class' name and separated by a dash - character, relative to the class, using the class' resource loader.
forDirectory(Path) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that discovers an optional configuration file using the default base filename "config".
forFilenameGlob(Path, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that discovers an optional configuration file using a filename glob.
forFilenamePattern(Path, Pattern) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that discovers an optional configuration file using a filename pattern.
forPackage(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that loads a required configuration using the default base filename "config" relative to a class, using the class' resource loader.
forPath(Path) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that loads an optional configuration from a given path as necessary.
forResourceBaseName(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that loads a required configuration using a resource base filename relative to a class, using the class' resource loader.
forResourceName(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that loads a required configuration using a complete resource filename relative to a class, using the class' resource loader.
forResourcePath(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Creates a configuration manager that loads a required configuration from a complete path to a configuration resource, relative to a class, using the class' resource loader.


getFileFormat(String) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Determines the file format to use for the given path based on the registered formats and the path filename extension(s).
getFileFormat(Path) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Determines the file format to use for the given path based on the registered formats and the path filename extension(s).
getFileFormatForExtension(String) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.AbstractFileConfigurationManager
Determines the file format to use for the given filename extension.
getFileFormatForFilename(CharSequence) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.AbstractFileConfigurationManager
Determines the file format to use for the given filename based on the registered formats and the filename extension(s).
getFileFormatsByExtension() - Method in class io.confound.config.file.AbstractFileConfigurationManager
getFilenameExtensions() - Method in interface io.confound.config.file.ConfigurationFileFormat
Retrieves the extensions of files supported by this file format.


invalidate() - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
This version additionally removes any cached configuration path.
invalidate() - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
This version additionally removes any cached configuration path.
io.confound.config.file - package io.confound.config.file
isStale(Configuration) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
This version additionally checks to see if whether there is a cached configuration path.
isStale(Configuration) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
This version additionally checks to see if whether there is a cached configuration resource path.


load(InputStream) - Method in interface io.confound.config.file.ConfigurationFileFormat
Loads a configuration from the given input stream.
loadConfiguration() - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
loadConfiguration() - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
loadConfigurationForBaseFilename(Path, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Discovers and loads an optional configuration file using a base filename.
loadConfigurationForCandidatePaths(Path...) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Discovers and loads an optional configuration file from one of the given paths.
loadConfigurationForClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Loads an optional configuration using the classifier "config" appended to a class' name, using the class' resource loader.
loadConfigurationForClass(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Loads an optional configuration using the given classifier appended to a class' name and separated by a dash - character, relative to the class, using the class' resource loader.
loadConfigurationForDirectory(Path) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Discovers and loads an optional configuration file using the default base filename "config".
loadConfigurationForFilenameGlob(Path, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Discovers and loads an optional configuration file using a filename glob.
loadConfigurationForFilenamePattern(Path, Pattern) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Discovers and loads an optional configuration file using a filename pattern.
loadConfigurationForPackage(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Loads an optional configuration using the default base filename "config" relative to a class, using the class' resource loader.
loadConfigurationForPath(Path) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
Loads an optional configuration from a given path as necessary.
loadConfigurationForResourceBaseName(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Loads an optional configuration using a resource base filename relative to a class, using the class' resource loader.
loadConfigurationForResourceName(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Loads an optional configuration using a complete resource filename relative to a class, using the class' resource loader.
loadConfigurationForResourcePath(ClassLoader, String) - Static method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Loads an optional configuration from a complete path to a configuration resource, relative to a class, using the class' resource loader.


parentConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Sets the parent configuration to use for fallback lookup.
parentConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Sets the parent configuration to use for fallback lookup.


required(boolean) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager.Builder
Sets whether the configuration file is required to be discovered.
required(boolean) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Sets whether the configuration file is required to be discovered.
resourceBaseName(String) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Uses a resource base filename.
resourceName(String) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Uses a complete resource filename.
resourcePath(String) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder
Uses a complete path to a configuration resource relative to the classpath.
ResourcesConfigurationManager - Class in io.confound.config.file
A configuration manager that can load and parse a configuration from class resources.
ResourcesConfigurationManager(ClassLoader, String) - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Class loader and resource path constructor for a required configuration file.
ResourcesConfigurationManager(ClassLoader, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Class loader, resource path, and optional required constructor.
ResourcesConfigurationManager(ClassLoader, String, String) - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Class loader, resource base path, and resource base name constructor for a required configuration file.
ResourcesConfigurationManager(ClassLoader, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
Class loader, resource base path, resource base name, and optional required constructor.
ResourcesConfigurationManager(Iterable<ConfigurationFileFormat>, ClassLoader, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
File formats, class loader, resource (base) path, resource base name, and optional required constructor.
ResourcesConfigurationManager.Builder - Class in io.confound.config.file
Builder for the manager.


saveConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.FileSystemConfigurationManager
This implementation does not yet support saving configurations, and will throw an exception.
saveConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class io.confound.config.file.ResourcesConfigurationManager
This implementation does not yet support saving configurations, and will throw an exception.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values