Package io.csar

package io.csar
  • Class
    Represents a concern (usually a cross-cutting concern) of a program such as logging or internationalization.
    An object that can retrieve concernss.
    A thread group that allows the retrieval of a concern on a per-thread-group basis.
    An unchecked illegal state exception to indicate that a particular concern could not be located.
    A provider of concerns for registration with Csar.
    A registry of concerns.
    A thread group that allows the setting and retrieval of a concern on a per-thread-group basis.
    The Concern Separation Aspect Registrar (Csar /zɑːr/) provides access to some concern (usually cross-cutting) that may configured globally or locally to some section of the program.
    A thread group that allows the retrieval of a concern on a per-thread-group basis by decorating an existing concerned object.
    Default implementation of a registry of concerns.