Interface ObjectFactory

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Container, Lookup

    public interface ObjectFactory
    extends Container, Lookup
    Instantiates glue classes. Loaded via SPI.

    Cucumber scenarios are executed against a test context that consists of multiple glue classes. These must be instantiated and may optionally be injected with dependencies.

    When multiple ObjectFactory implementations are available Cucumber will look for a preference in the provided properties or options.

    See Also:
    ServiceLoader, ObjectFactoryServiceLoader
    • Method Detail

      • start

        void start()
        Start the object factory. Invoked once per scenario.

        While started Lookup.getInstance(Class) may be invoked.

      • stop

        void stop()
        Stops the object factory. Called once per scenario.

        When stopped the object factory should dispose of all glue instances.