Interface Backend

@API(status=STABLE) public interface Backend
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Invoked before a new scenario starts.
    Invoked at the end of a scenario, after hooks
    loadGlue(Glue glue, List<URI> gluePaths)
    Invoked once before all features.
  • Method Details

    • loadGlue

      void loadGlue(Glue glue, List<URI> gluePaths)
      Invoked once before all features. This is where steps and hooks should be loaded.
      glue - Glue that provides the steps to be executed.
      gluePaths - The locations for the glue to be loaded.
    • buildWorld

      void buildWorld()
      Invoked before a new scenario starts. Implementations should do any necessary setup of new, isolated state here. Additional scenario scoped step definitions can be loaded here. These step definitions should implement ScenarioScoped
    • disposeWorld

      void disposeWorld()
      Invoked at the end of a scenario, after hooks
    • getSnippet

      Snippet getSnippet()