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AFTER - io.cucumber.plugin.event.HookType
AFTER_STEP - io.cucumber.plugin.event.HookType
AMBIGUOUS - io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status
Argument - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
Represents an argument in a cucumber or regular expressions


BEFORE - io.cucumber.plugin.event.HookType
BEFORE_STEP - io.cucumber.plugin.event.HookType


cells() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.DataTableArgument
ColorAware - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin
Interface for Plugins that use ANSI escape codes to print coloured output.
ConcurrentEventListener - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin
Listens to pickle execution events.


DataTableArgument - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
Represents a Gherkin data table argument.
DocStringArgument - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
Represents a Gherkin doc string argument.


EmbedEvent - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
EmbedEvent(Instant, TestCase, byte[], String) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.EmbedEvent
EmbedEvent(Instant, TestCase, byte[], String, String) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.EmbedEvent
equals(Object) - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.Result
Event - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
EventHandler<T> - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
EventListener - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin
Listens to pickle execution events.
EventPublisher - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event


FAILED - io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status


getArgument() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Step
Returns this Gherkin step argument.
getChildren() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Group
getCodeLocation() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestStep
Returns a string representation of the glue code location.
getContent() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.DocStringArgument
getContentType() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.DocStringArgument
getData() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.EmbedEvent
getDefinitionArgument() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.PickleStepTestStep
Returns the arguments provided to the step definition.
getDuration() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.Result
getEnd() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Argument
getEnd() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Group
getError() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.Result
Returns the error encountered while executing a step or scenario.
getGroup() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Argument
getHookType() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.HookTestStep
Returns the hook hook type.
getId() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCase
getId() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestStep
getInstant() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Event
Returns instant from epoch.
getKeyword() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCase
getKeyWord() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Step
Returns this steps keyword.
getLine() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.DataTableArgument
getLine() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.DocStringArgument
getLine() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Step
Line in the source this step is located in.
getLine() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCase
getLocation() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.StepDefinition
The source line where the step definition is defined.
getMediaType() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.DocStringArgument
getMediaType() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.EmbedEvent
getMimeType() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.EmbedEvent
getName() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.EmbedEvent
getName() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCase
getParameterTypeName() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Argument
getPattern() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.PickleStepTestStep
The pattern or expression used to match the glue code to the Gherkin step.
getPattern() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.StepDefinition
getResult() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCaseFinished
getResult() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestRunFinished
getResult() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestStepFinished
getScenarioDesignation() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCase
use other accessor to reconstruct the scenario designation
getScenarioLine() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.SnippetsSuggestedEvent
getSnippets() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.SnippetsSuggestedEvent
getSource() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestSourceRead
getStart() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Argument
getStart() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Group
getStatus() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.Result
getStep() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.PickleStepTestStep
The matched Gherkin step
getStepArgument() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.PickleStepTestStep
getStepDefinition() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.StepDefinedEvent
getStepLine() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.PickleStepTestStep
getStepLine() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.SnippetsSuggestedEvent
getStepText() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.PickleStepTestStep
use #getStep()
getTags() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCase
getTestCase() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCaseEvent
getTestCase() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCaseFinished
getTestCase() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCaseStarted
getTestStep() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestStepFinished
getTestStep() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestStepStarted
getTestSteps() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCase
getText() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Step
Returns this steps text.
getText() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.WriteEvent
getUri() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.PickleStepTestStep
A uri to to the feature of this step.
getUri() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.SnippetsSuggestedEvent
getUri() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCase
getUri() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestSourceRead
getValue() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Argument
getValue() - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.Group
Group - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
A capture group in a Regular or Cucumber Expression.


hashCode() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.Result
HookTestStep - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
Hooks are invoked before and after each scenario and before and after each gherkin step in a scenario.
HookType - Enum in io.cucumber.plugin.event


io.cucumber.plugin - package io.cucumber.plugin
io.cucumber.plugin.event - package io.cucumber.plugin.event
is(Status) - Method in enum io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status
isOk(boolean) - Method in enum io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status


name - Variable in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.EmbedEvent


PASSED - io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status
PENDING - io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status
PickleStepTestStep - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
A pickle test step matches a line in a Gherkin scenario or background.
Plugin - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin
Marker interface for all plugins.


receive(T) - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.EventHandler
registerHandlerFor(Class<T>, EventHandler<T>) - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.EventPublisher
Registers an event handler for a specific event.
removeHandlerFor(Class<T>, EventHandler<T>) - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.event.EventPublisher
Unregister an event handler for a specific event
Result - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
Result(Status, Duration, Throwable) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.Result
The result of a step or scenario


setEventPublisher(EventPublisher) - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.ConcurrentEventListener
Set the event publisher.
setEventPublisher(EventPublisher) - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.EventListener
Set the event publisher.
setMonochrome(boolean) - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.ColorAware
When set to monochrome the plugin should not use colored output.
setStrict(boolean) - Method in interface io.cucumber.plugin.StrictAware
When set to strict the plugin should indicate failure for undefined and pending steps
SKIPPED - io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status
SnippetsSuggestedEvent - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
SnippetsSuggestedEvent(Instant, URI, int, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.SnippetsSuggestedEvent
Status - Enum in io.cucumber.plugin.event
Step - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
Represents a step in a scenario.
StepArgument - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
Represents Gherkin step argument.
StepDefinedEvent - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
StepDefinedEvent(Instant, StepDefinition) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.StepDefinedEvent
StepDefinition - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
StepDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.StepDefinition
StrictAware - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin
Interface for Plugins that need to know if the Runtime is strict.
SummaryPrinter - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin
Interface for plugins that print a summary after test execution.


TestCase - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
TestCaseEvent - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
TestCaseFinished - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
TestCaseFinished(Instant, TestCase, Result) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCaseFinished
TestCaseStarted - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
TestCaseStarted(Instant, TestCase) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCaseStarted
TestRunFinished - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
TestRunFinished(Instant) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestRunFinished
TestRunFinished(Instant, Result) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestRunFinished
TestRunStarted - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
TestRunStarted(Instant) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestRunStarted
TestSourceRead - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
TestSourceRead(Instant, URI, String) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestSourceRead
TestStep - Interface in io.cucumber.plugin.event
A test step can either represent the execution of a hook or a pickle step.
TestStepFinished - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
A test step finished event is broadcast when ever a step finishes.
TestStepFinished(Instant, TestCase, TestStep, Result) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestStepFinished
TestStepStarted - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
A test step started event is broadcast when ever a step starts.
TestStepStarted(Instant, TestCase, TestStep) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestStepStarted
toString() - Method in class io.cucumber.plugin.event.Result


UNDEFINED - io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status
UNUSED - io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.cucumber.plugin.event.HookType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum io.cucumber.plugin.event.HookType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.cucumber.plugin.event.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WriteEvent - Class in io.cucumber.plugin.event
WriteEvent(Instant, TestCase, String) - Constructor for class io.cucumber.plugin.event.WriteEvent
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