Annotation Type ExceptionMetered

An annotation for marking a method of an annotated object as metered.

Given a method like this:

     @ExceptionMetered(name = "fancyName", cause=IllegalArgumentException.class)
     public String fancyName(String name) {
         return "Sir Captain " + name;

A meter for the defining class with the name fancyName will be created and each time the #fancyName(String) throws an exception of type cause (or a subclass), the meter will be marked.

A name for the metric can be specified as an annotation parameter, otherwise, the metric will be named based on the method name.

For instance, given a declaration of

     public String fancyName(String name) {
         return "Sir Captain " + name;

A meter named fancyName.exceptions will be created and marked every time an exception is thrown.

  • Field Details

  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      The name of the meter. If not specified, the meter will be given a name based on the method it decorates and the suffix "Exceptions".
    • absolute

      boolean absolute
      If true, use the given name as an absolute name. If false, use the given name relative to the annotated class. When annotating a class, this must be false.
    • cause

      Class<? extends Throwable> cause
      The type of exceptions that the meter will catch and count.