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build(Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, ManagedDataSource, String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.JdbiFactory
Build a fully configured Jdbi instance managed by the DropWizard lifecycle with the configured health check; this method should not be overridden (instead, override JdbiFactory.newInstance(ManagedDataSource) and JdbiFactory.configure(Jdbi))
build(Environment, PooledDataSourceFactory, String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.JdbiFactory
Build a fully configured Jdbi instance managed by the DropWizard lifecycle with the configured health check; this method should not be overridden (instead, override JdbiFactory.newInstance(ManagedDataSource) and JdbiFactory.configure(Jdbi))
buildSQLLogger(MetricRegistry, StatementNameStrategy) - Method in class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.JdbiFactory
This creates a default InstrumentedSqlLogger instance with the specified MetricRegistry and JdbiFactory.nameStrategy.


check() - Method in class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.JdbiHealthCheck
configure(Jdbi) - Method in class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.JdbiFactory
Overridable function to allow extra customization of the created Jdbi instance.


io.dropwizard.jdbi3 - package io.dropwizard.jdbi3
io.dropwizard.jdbi3.bundles - package io.dropwizard.jdbi3.bundles
io.dropwizard.jdbi3.jersey - package io.dropwizard.jdbi3.jersey


JdbiExceptionsBundle - Class in io.dropwizard.jdbi3.bundles
A bundle for logging SQLExceptions and JdbiExceptions so that their actual causes aren't overlooked.
JdbiExceptionsBundle() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.bundles.JdbiExceptionsBundle
JdbiFactory - Class in io.dropwizard.jdbi3
JdbiFactory() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.JdbiFactory
JdbiFactory(StatementNameStrategy) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.JdbiFactory
JdbiHealthCheck - Class in io.dropwizard.jdbi3
JdbiHealthCheck(ExecutorService, Duration, Jdbi, Optional<String>) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.JdbiHealthCheck
JdbiHealthCheck(Jdbi, Optional<String>) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.JdbiHealthCheck


logException(long, SQLException) - Method in class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.jersey.LoggingSQLExceptionMapper
logException(long, JdbiException) - Method in class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.jersey.LoggingJdbiExceptionMapper
LoggingJdbiExceptionMapper - Class in io.dropwizard.jdbi3.jersey
Iterates through a JdbiException's cause if it's a SQLException otherwise log as normal.
LoggingJdbiExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.jersey.LoggingJdbiExceptionMapper
LoggingSQLExceptionMapper - Class in io.dropwizard.jdbi3.jersey
Iterates through SQLExceptions to log all causes
LoggingSQLExceptionMapper() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.jersey.LoggingSQLExceptionMapper


NamePrependingTemplateEngine - Class in io.dropwizard.jdbi3
Jdbi TemplateEngine that prepends the SQLObject's type and method name in front of every statement sent to the database.
NamePrependingTemplateEngine(TemplateEngine) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.NamePrependingTemplateEngine
newInstance(ManagedDataSource) - Method in class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.JdbiFactory
This creates a vanilla Jdbi instance based on the specified data source; this can be overridden if required


render(String, StatementContext) - Method in class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.NamePrependingTemplateEngine
run(Configuration, Environment) - Method in class io.dropwizard.jdbi3.bundles.JdbiExceptionsBundle
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