Package io.dropwizard.jackson

package io.dropwizard.jackson
  • Class
    A PropertyNamingStrategy implementation which, if the declaring class of a property is annotated with JsonSnakeCase, uses a PropertyNamingStrategies.SnakeCaseStrategy, and uses the default PropertyNamingStrategy otherwise.
    A Jackson module that can (de)serialize CaffeineSpecs.
    A tag interface which allows Dropwizard to load Jackson subtypes at runtime, which enables polymorphic configurations.
    A subtype resolver which discovers subtypes via META-INF/services/io.dropwizard.jackson.Discoverable.
    A module for deserializing enums that is more permissive than the default.
    A Jackson module that can (de)serialize CacheBuilderSpecs.
    A utility class for Jackson.
    Marker annotation which indicates that the annotated case class should be serialized and deserialized using snake_case JSON field names instead of camelCase field names.