

package jdbc

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BucketPartitionStrategy(columnName: String, values: Set[String]) extends JdbcPartitionStrategy with Product with Serializable

  2. case class HashPartitionStrategy(hashExpression: String, numberOfPartitions: Int) extends JdbcPartitionStrategy with Product with Serializable

  3. class JdbcInserter extends Logging

  4. trait JdbcPartitionStrategy extends AnyRef

  5. trait JdbcPrimitives extends Logging

  6. class JdbcPublisher extends Publisher[Seq[Row]] with Timed with JdbcPrimitives with Using

  7. case class JdbcReaderConfig(defaultPrecision: Precision, defaultScale: Scale) extends Product with Serializable

  8. case class JdbcSink(connFn: () ⇒ Connection, table: String, createTable: Boolean = false, batchSize: Int = 1000, batchesPerCommit: Int = 0, dialect: Option[JdbcDialect] = scala.None, threads: Int = 4) extends Sink with Logging with Product with Serializable

  9. class JdbcSinkWriter extends SinkWriter with Logging

  10. case class JdbcSource(connFn: () ⇒ Connection, query: String, bindFn: (PreparedStatement) ⇒ Unit = ..., fetchSize: Int = 200, providedSchema: Option[StructType] = scala.None, providedDialect: Option[JdbcDialect] = scala.None, partitionStrategy: JdbcPartitionStrategy = SinglePartitionStrategy) extends Source with JdbcPrimitives with Logging with Using with Timed with Product with Serializable

  11. case class RangePartitionStrategy(columnName: String, numberOfPartitions: Int, min: Long, max: Long) extends JdbcPartitionStrategy with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object JdbcReaderConfig extends Logging with Serializable

  2. object JdbcSchemaFns extends Logging

    Generates an eel schema from the metadata in a resultset.

  3. object JdbcSink extends Logging with Serializable

  4. object JdbcSource extends Serializable

  5. object SinglePartitionStrategy extends JdbcPartitionStrategy with Product with Serializable

  6. package dialect
