

package action

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Action extends BaseActor

    Top level abstraction in charge of executing concrete actions along a scenario, for example sending an HTTP request.

  2. trait Chainable extends BaseActor with Action

    An Action that is to be chained with another.

  3. class ExitHereIfFailed extends BaseActor with Chainable with DataWriterClient

  4. trait Failable extends AnyRef

    An Action that handles failures gracefully by returning a Validation

  5. class Feed extends BaseActor with Action with Interruptable

  6. case class FeedMessage(session: Session, number: (Session) ⇒ Validation[Int], next: ActorRef) extends Product with Serializable

  7. class GroupEnd extends BaseActor with Chainable with DataWriterClient with StrictLogging

  8. class GroupStart extends BaseActor with Interruptable with Failable

  9. class If extends BaseActor with Interruptable with Failable

    A conditional Action

  10. class InnerLoop extends BaseActor with Chainable

  11. class InnerTryMax extends BaseActor with Chainable with DataWriterClient

  12. trait Interruptable extends BaseActor with Chainable

    An Action that can trigger an interrupt and bypass regular workflow.

  13. case class Interruption(nextActor: ActorRef, nextSession: Session, groupsToClose: List[GroupBlock]) extends Product with Serializable

    Describes an interruption to be performed.

  14. class Loop extends Actor

    Action in charge of controlling a while loop execution.

  15. class Pace extends BaseActor with Interruptable with Failable

    Pace provides a means to limit the frequency with which an action is run, by specifying a minimum wait time between iterations.

  16. class Pause extends BaseActor with Interruptable with Failable

    PauseAction provides a convenient means to implement pause actions based on random distributions.

  17. class RendezVous extends BaseActor with Chainable

    Buffer Sessions until users is reached, then unleash buffer and become passthrough.

  18. class SessionHook extends BaseActor with Chainable with Failable

    Hook for interacting with the Session

  19. class SingletonFeed[T] extends BaseActor

  20. class Switch extends BaseActor with Interruptable with Failable

  21. class TryMax extends Actor

  22. class UserEnd extends BaseActor with Action

Value Members

  1. object Interrupt

  2. object Interruptable extends DataWriterClient

  3. object UserEnd extends AkkaDefaults

  4. package builder
