

package check

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. check
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait Check[R] extends AnyRef

  2. case class CheckBase[R, P, X](preparer: (R) ⇒ Validation[P], extractorExpression: (Session) ⇒ Validation[Extractor[P, X]], validatorExpression: (Session) ⇒ Validation[Validator[X]], saveAs: Option[String]) extends Check[R] with Product with Serializable

  3. case class CheckBuilder[C <: Check[R], R, P, X](validatorCheckBuilder: ValidatorCheckBuilder[C, R, P, X], validator: (Session) ⇒ Validation[Validator[X]], saveAs: Option[String] = scala.None) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class CheckResult(extractedValue: Option[Any], saveAs: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

  5. trait CheckSupport extends AnyRef

  6. class CompareMatcher[E] extends Matcher[E, E]

  7. class DefaultFindCheckBuilder[C <: Check[R], R, P, X] extends FindCheckBuilder[C, R, P, X]

  8. abstract class DefaultMultipleFindCheckBuilder[C <: Check[R], R, P, X] extends MultipleFindCheckBuilder[C, R, P, X]

  9. class ExistsValidator[A] extends Validator[A]

  10. type Extender[C <: Check[R], R] = (Check[R]) ⇒ C

    Build a protocol specific check from a base one.

    Build a protocol specific check from a base one. Usually just decorate the base one and add some more information.

  11. trait FindCheckBuilder[C <: Check[R], R, P, X] extends AnyRef

  12. class InMatcher[E] extends Matcher[E, Seq[E]]

  13. class IsMatcher[E] extends Matcher[E, E]

  14. abstract class Matcher[A, E] extends Validator[A]

  15. trait MultipleFindCheckBuilder[C <: Check[R], R, P, X] extends FindCheckBuilder[C, R, P, X]

  16. class NoopValidator[A] extends Validator[A]

  17. class NotExistsValidator[A] extends Validator[A]

  18. class NotMatcher[E] extends Matcher[E, E]

  19. type Preparer[R, P] = (R) ⇒ Validation[P]

    Transform the raw response into something that will be used as check input, e.

    Transform the raw response into something that will be used as check input, e.g. building a DOM tree from an HTTP response body. The result might be cached and reused for other checks of the same kind performed on the same response.

  20. trait SaveAs[C <: Check[R], R, P, X] extends AnyRef

  21. trait Validator[A] extends AnyRef

  22. case class ValidatorCheckBuilder[C <: Check[R], R, P, X](extender: (Check[R]) ⇒ C, preparer: (R) ⇒ Validation[P], extractor: (Session) ⇒ Validation[Extractor[P, X]]) extends StrictLogging with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Check

  2. object CheckResult extends Serializable

  3. object Validator

  4. package extractor

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
