

package structure

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ChainBuilder(actionBuilders: List[ActionBuilder]) extends StructureBuilder[ChainBuilder] with Product with Serializable

    This class defines chain related methods

    This class defines chain related methods


    the builders that represent the chain of actions of a scenario/chain

  2. trait ConditionalStatements[B] extends Execs[B]

  3. trait Errors[B] extends Execs[B]

  4. trait Execs[B] extends AnyRef

  5. trait Feeds[B] extends Execs[B]

  6. trait Groups[B] extends Execs[B]

  7. trait Loops[B] extends Execs[B]

  8. trait Pauses[B] extends Execs[B]

  9. case class PopulationBuilder(scenarioBuilder: ScenarioBuilder, injectionProfile: InjectionProfile, defaultProtocols: Protocols, scenarioProtocols: Protocols = Protocols(), scenarioThrottling: Option[ThrottlingProfile] = None, pauseType: Option[PauseType] = None) extends LazyLogging with Product with Serializable

  10. case class ScenarioBuilder(name: String, actionBuilders: List[ActionBuilder] = Nil) extends StructureBuilder[ScenarioBuilder] with Product with Serializable

    The scenario builder is used in the DSL to define the scenario

    The scenario builder is used in the DSL to define the scenario


    the name of the scenario


    the list of all the actions that compose the scenario

  11. case class ScenarioContext(controller: ActorRef, dataWriters: DataWriters, userEnd: ActorRef, protocols: Protocols, pauseType: PauseType, throttled: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

  12. trait StructureBuilder[B <: StructureBuilder[B]] extends Execs[B] with Pauses[B] with Feeds[B] with Loops[B] with ConditionalStatements[B] with Errors[B] with Groups[B]

    This trait defines most of the scenario related DSL

  13. trait StructureSupport extends StructureBuilder[ChainBuilder]

Value Members

  1. object ChainBuilder extends Serializable

  2. object Feeds

  3. object Loops
