
trait VecStats[@specialized(Int, Long, Double) A]

Statistical methods made available on numeric Vec objects via enrichment.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def demeaned: Vec[Double]

Return a copy of a numeric Vec with its values demeaned according to the mean function

Return a copy of a numeric Vec with its values demeaned according to the mean function

def geomean: Double

Return the geometric median of the values in the Vec, ignoring NA

Return the geometric median of the values in the Vec, ignoring NA

def kurt: Double

Return the sample kurtosis of the values in the Vec, ignoring NA

Return the sample kurtosis of the values in the Vec, ignoring NA

def logsum: Double

Return the sum of the natural log of each element, ignoring NA values

Return the sum of the natural log of each element, ignoring NA values

def skew: Double

Return the sample skewness of the values in the Vec, ignoring NA

Return the sample skewness of the values in the Vec, ignoring NA

def variance: Double

Return the sample variance of the values in the Vec, ignoring NA

Return the sample variance of the values in the Vec, ignoring NA

Concrete methods

protected def _demeaned(r: Vec[A], subOp: (A, Double) => Double)(implicit num: Numeric[A]): Vec[Double]
protected def _kurt(r: Vec[A], subOp: (A, Double) => Double)(implicit num: Numeric[A]): Double
protected def _median(r: Vec[A])(implicit n: Numeric[A]): Double
protected def _percentile(v: Vec[Double], tile: Double, method: PctMethod): Double
protected def _rank(v: Array[Double], tie: RankTie, ascending: Boolean): Vec[Double]
protected def _skew(r: Vec[A], subOp: (A, Double) => Double)(implicit num: Numeric[A]): Double
protected def _variance(r: Vec[A], subOp: (A, Double) => Double)(implicit num: Numeric[A]): Double
def stdev: Double

Return the sample standard deviation of values in the Vec, ignoring NA

Return the sample standard deviation of values in the Vec, ignoring NA